I was sitting in my garden just the other day and suddenly got a wiff of sperm. I kinda frowned and wondered where on earth it was coming from (pardon the pun). It was weird it was definitely a jizz like smell, and it was strong.
Later in the day I met with Mada and as we walked down the street he said "Cor, can you smell the cum tree?" and i yelped out "So I'm not imagining it! The air DOES smell of JIZZ!"
Apparently there are these trees growing in our village that, in the summer or high humidity (if you can call England humid) let off a scent, much like the smell of sperm. I googled it this morning and found some various on line explanations...
From what i read, it is the Chestnut Tree that produces a liquid in the summer that releases this interesting fragrance. There is also reference to a tree called the Bradford Pear tree found commonly on the West Coast of America that smells as equally as funky.
How bizarre and slightly unpleasant.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Fluffy Pink Clouds
Whilst on the subject of "happiness" Mada is playing the role of "boyfriend" extremely well. Starting with saving my life last night after an upset at home, which resulted in his requirement of a rescue. And then, by calling me about an hour before my appointment this morning and wishing me luck - good lad ;)
Yesterday we had a BBQ around my friends house and Mada's best friend and I (also one of my good friends) had a D&M. Haha. They are all so happy over our "relationship" and I am too.
Things are going from strength to strength, starting with a surprise party that him, Butdunc and Shrub organised for me on Saturday and then the BBQ yesterday.
Last night I couldn't stop cuddling him tight and smiling, I am so happy that we are FINALLY together. He keeps saying "it just feels natural, doesn't it?" I have to say, i totally agree. I am one happy bunny. It feels good, to feel so happy. It's been a long time.
Yesterday we had a BBQ around my friends house and Mada's best friend and I (also one of my good friends) had a D&M. Haha. They are all so happy over our "relationship" and I am too.
Things are going from strength to strength, starting with a surprise party that him, Butdunc and Shrub organised for me on Saturday and then the BBQ yesterday.
Last night I couldn't stop cuddling him tight and smiling, I am so happy that we are FINALLY together. He keeps saying "it just feels natural, doesn't it?" I have to say, i totally agree. I am one happy bunny. It feels good, to feel so happy. It's been a long time.
An appointment with the Headmaster...
I had my appointment with the Head of the School this morning, which subsequently turned into an offer of applying for the School's Teacher Assistant position, starting this September - :):):)
Harris explained to me that an advert (a one liner) has gone into the local newspaper but as he already had me in mind he will send me the application forms directly (inadvertently implied that I will be given priority on the position).
Should i get the job I will literally be working about 25 hours a week (in at 9 and out by 3.15) everyday with no "after school" additional work, which means that although I will be taking an astronomical pay cut, I will be in a position to take on a second job to keep some form of income coming in and to pay my parents rent.
He also explained that as a TA for the School they will then be able to sponsor me to undertake the PGCE which, in Layman's terms means that I will not have to pay any tuition fees whilst studying for the year (at either Reading or Guildford) AND possibly they financially support me?? I'll need to look into it.
What a positive start to the week. I can't believe I've been back 10 days and things are going so well, so far. I'm so happy. I pray to God that I will be given this opportunity and start a new career in something I am truly passionate about.
One small step for Bubs... one giant leap for my self esteem :)
Harris explained to me that an advert (a one liner) has gone into the local newspaper but as he already had me in mind he will send me the application forms directly (inadvertently implied that I will be given priority on the position).
Should i get the job I will literally be working about 25 hours a week (in at 9 and out by 3.15) everyday with no "after school" additional work, which means that although I will be taking an astronomical pay cut, I will be in a position to take on a second job to keep some form of income coming in and to pay my parents rent.
He also explained that as a TA for the School they will then be able to sponsor me to undertake the PGCE which, in Layman's terms means that I will not have to pay any tuition fees whilst studying for the year (at either Reading or Guildford) AND possibly they financially support me?? I'll need to look into it.
What a positive start to the week. I can't believe I've been back 10 days and things are going so well, so far. I'm so happy. I pray to God that I will be given this opportunity and start a new career in something I am truly passionate about.
One small step for Bubs... one giant leap for my self esteem :)
Friday, June 26, 2009
One White Glove
OMG, i can't believe Michael Jackson died last night. Gutted.
Strangely enough, I was clearing out my wardrobe (before my Mother really lost the plot at me!) and came across my Michael Jackson Tshirt that I wore to his HIStory concert many moons ago (when was it, 1995??). I yelled out to the rentals "I've found my Michael Jackson Tshirt - I'm SO wearing it to his concert!" holding it up and chuckling to myself, I couldn't believe i use to wear this tshirt out and about, my walls were once smothered in his posters and there was always an MJ tune blaring out of my stereo.
My Step Dad yelled back from downstairs "Well, that's if he turns up for the concerts!". I yelled some jokey profanities down the stairs such as "Don't diss the King, man!" and smiled as i folded up the tshirt and put it in my draw.. a part of me had some doubt that the concert(s) would happen but thought nothing more of it.
Later in the evening ButDunc text me saying that it didn't look like we'd be seeing Michael - I switched on the news and the breaking headlines was that he had been admitted to hospital following a heart attack - gasp! Perhaps a publicity stunt? Or a severe case of indigestion??? I could only hope.
As i crawled into bed later that night i got a text from my sister "Michael Jackson dead? WTF??" and then a call from Mada straight after, checking I knew - everyone knows the avid fan i am... I couldn't believe it. I kept telling him how upset i was and I could almost here Mada smiling as he started singing "Billie Jean" (my favourite) to cheer me up in his "Michael Jackson" voice. Stupid boy!!
Eventually i told him i wanted to get out of bed and watch the news. Some said he was in a coma, others dead. Eventually it was confirmed, he had died of a heart attack :(
A few of my friends text, equally as shocked, funnily enough - EVERYBODY's FB status was about MJ dying and of course this morning as i woke, most channels were covering his story.
Funny how just a year ago every channel was calling him a paedophile and now they all refer to him as "A legend". Well, whatever they say, I bloody loved him and his music and am totally gutted that he is gone, at the age of 50.
One day I'll be playing his music to my kids and telling them all about the pop icon who was once black and turned white and how he was my favourite performer of all time.. RIP Mr Jackson. You rock(ed) my world!
(See entry dated: March 11th 2009 - Moonwalking on air)
Strangely enough, I was clearing out my wardrobe (before my Mother really lost the plot at me!) and came across my Michael Jackson Tshirt that I wore to his HIStory concert many moons ago (when was it, 1995??). I yelled out to the rentals "I've found my Michael Jackson Tshirt - I'm SO wearing it to his concert!" holding it up and chuckling to myself, I couldn't believe i use to wear this tshirt out and about, my walls were once smothered in his posters and there was always an MJ tune blaring out of my stereo.
My Step Dad yelled back from downstairs "Well, that's if he turns up for the concerts!". I yelled some jokey profanities down the stairs such as "Don't diss the King, man!" and smiled as i folded up the tshirt and put it in my draw.. a part of me had some doubt that the concert(s) would happen but thought nothing more of it.
Later in the evening ButDunc text me saying that it didn't look like we'd be seeing Michael - I switched on the news and the breaking headlines was that he had been admitted to hospital following a heart attack - gasp! Perhaps a publicity stunt? Or a severe case of indigestion??? I could only hope.
As i crawled into bed later that night i got a text from my sister "Michael Jackson dead? WTF??" and then a call from Mada straight after, checking I knew - everyone knows the avid fan i am... I couldn't believe it. I kept telling him how upset i was and I could almost here Mada smiling as he started singing "Billie Jean" (my favourite) to cheer me up in his "Michael Jackson" voice. Stupid boy!!
Eventually i told him i wanted to get out of bed and watch the news. Some said he was in a coma, others dead. Eventually it was confirmed, he had died of a heart attack :(
A few of my friends text, equally as shocked, funnily enough - EVERYBODY's FB status was about MJ dying and of course this morning as i woke, most channels were covering his story.
Funny how just a year ago every channel was calling him a paedophile and now they all refer to him as "A legend". Well, whatever they say, I bloody loved him and his music and am totally gutted that he is gone, at the age of 50.
One day I'll be playing his music to my kids and telling them all about the pop icon who was once black and turned white and how he was my favourite performer of all time.. RIP Mr Jackson. You rock(ed) my world!
(See entry dated: March 11th 2009 - Moonwalking on air)
Yes, WE are a "couple".
He told them. Well, he told two of the boys and apparently they are all in disbelief that they didn't work it out sooner... one of the boys kept pausing for thought and repetitively saying "you sly dog, how did i not see this??" and have already started planning "couples" holidays - lol.
I feel a little relieved, as although i was personally happy to wait for things to settle down for a few weeks, Mada has found his testicles and made the first move in letting people know that we are "together". I'm good with that, I don't want a big drama, just let things fall into place.
It's weird, i don't really feel any different. Leaving his house and kissing him goodbye feels as natural as anything. I guess it's been a long time coming and inside, I've always felt like he was mine and now, not only i will know...
I feel a little relieved, as although i was personally happy to wait for things to settle down for a few weeks, Mada has found his testicles and made the first move in letting people know that we are "together". I'm good with that, I don't want a big drama, just let things fall into place.
It's weird, i don't really feel any different. Leaving his house and kissing him goodbye feels as natural as anything. I guess it's been a long time coming and inside, I've always felt like he was mine and now, not only i will know...
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Life After Braces...
How my life has changed....
- I wear a retainer every night and brush it clean with an old toothbrush and toothpaste every morning.
- After my first brush, floss and mouthwash of the day I examine each tooth in the mirror to check they haven't moved or discoloured in anyway whatsoever (OCD)
- So far, the minimum number of times i have brushed my teeth in 1 day is 4.
- Yesterday I brushed my teeth 7 times.
- Every time i talk to someone i find myself looking at their teeth and smugly thinking "Yup, my teeth are nicer than yours now".
- I can whistle again
- The sensation in my front teeth have come back and i can bite into food (although, haven't tried an apple yet)
- My nightmares of my front two teeth falling out have stopped
- I love my teeth and smile at EVERY opportunity
- I wear a retainer every night and brush it clean with an old toothbrush and toothpaste every morning.
- After my first brush, floss and mouthwash of the day I examine each tooth in the mirror to check they haven't moved or discoloured in anyway whatsoever (OCD)
- So far, the minimum number of times i have brushed my teeth in 1 day is 4.
- Yesterday I brushed my teeth 7 times.
- Every time i talk to someone i find myself looking at their teeth and smugly thinking "Yup, my teeth are nicer than yours now".
- I can whistle again
- The sensation in my front teeth have come back and i can bite into food (although, haven't tried an apple yet)
- My nightmares of my front two teeth falling out have stopped
- I love my teeth and smile at EVERY opportunity
You're kidding me!
I am outraged by the price of popcorn in this country.
Last night, after an absolutely fabulous day with my Sister, I went to a late night movie with Pelly. We saw "The Hangover". It's one of those stupidly funny films, worth seeing with your mates at the cinema - doubt i'd buy it though (especially as now i have to buy legal DVD's at over £10 a pop!).
After getting our tickets (£7) we decided to buy a small box of popcorn and the price was £4.10! £4.10!!!
All i kept repeating up until the movie started was "£4.10 for popcorn?? £4.10???!!!" Poor Pelly, he did laugh, a lot, but couldn't seem to realise why i was so up in arms over the cost. Haha.
Since when was popcorn over half the price of a cinema ticket...? I don't know...
Last night, after an absolutely fabulous day with my Sister, I went to a late night movie with Pelly. We saw "The Hangover". It's one of those stupidly funny films, worth seeing with your mates at the cinema - doubt i'd buy it though (especially as now i have to buy legal DVD's at over £10 a pop!).
After getting our tickets (£7) we decided to buy a small box of popcorn and the price was £4.10! £4.10!!!
All i kept repeating up until the movie started was "£4.10 for popcorn?? £4.10???!!!" Poor Pelly, he did laugh, a lot, but couldn't seem to realise why i was so up in arms over the cost. Haha.
Since when was popcorn over half the price of a cinema ticket...? I don't know...
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
It's not WHAT you know, it's WHO you know

Feeling much more positive and upbeat today after a fantastic day with my Sister yesterday. We ran 5 miles around Virginia Waters (I forgot just HOW beautiful it is there) followed by a pub lunch in the sun.
The weather here is gorgeous, which helps make the move back that much easier. We burnt our noses and shoulders would you believe.
In the afternoon we went shopping which was torturous (I resisted to buying anything - even a dress in Oasis which was reduced to £25!! Gargh!).
In the evening we went to her apartment and Billy ate with us. It was so cool for the 3 of us to be back together. My two favourite people to be with :)
We talked about my plans and Billy kindly offered to call his Brother who is Head of the 2nd top school in Surrey. I am now scheduled to go and meet him (date TBC) to get some help on teaching courses and who knows, maybe he'll be able to offer me a Teaching Assistant post at his school, starting in September or recommend me for another school. I can only hope and pray.
If i can get a post as a TA (Teacher Assistant) this means I can apply for my Mortgage as if you work for the Government there are special "deals" you can get. Then, I could go to college NEXT year once I have my mortgage and apartment. I think realistically I'll need to get a second job - but I don't mind, I'm use to hard work.
Maybe I'm getting ahead of myself, but i sincerely hope not. Just think, that would give me about 8 weeks of summer to play with/ get a part time job/ go to Africa for a few weeks and then I could press on with LIFE in September.
Today the weather is spanking once again. So luckily my Sister has 2 days off work back to back, so we are taking a roadtrip down to Bournemouth Beach together - :) Best go pack up my bag, including my SLR so I can get some good shots and show my friends back in KL and HK that the UK isn't so bad either ;)
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
I got da fever
Oh my gawd, i forgot about hay fever. Hay fever sucks. I have been up for 1 hour and 15 minutes and have sneezed no less than 23 times. I am not exaggerating. That is an exact number. I am taking Piriton which was helping, however, makes you drowsy and advises you to avoid alcohol. Went for dinner with ButDunc last night and ended up getting absolutely shit faced on just half a bottle of wine. HORRIFIC. I'm blaming it on jet lag (still???) and the Piriton. I'm now trying this "hay wax" which is a balm you rub on the inside of your nose to stop irritation. About to go for a 15K (god help me) run with my sister over at Virginia Waters, hope the medication kicks in, in time. Otherwise it's gonna be a messy run!
Monday, June 22, 2009
Chilly Calls
Have decided to "Cold Call" two travel companies that I'm interested in working for until i sort out this teaching business...
STA Travel - Advised them that I had been on line and rather than submitting an application through their site, could i pop in my CV directly and have an informal chat.
Response: Currently no vacancies, best to just submit on line. Meh.
Real Gap - Followed up on my CV i sent them last month
Response: Really friendly but said there were no positions available at the moment. Advised to maybe re-send cv??
STA Travel - Advised them that I had been on line and rather than submitting an application through their site, could i pop in my CV directly and have an informal chat.
Response: Currently no vacancies, best to just submit on line. Meh.
Real Gap - Followed up on my CV i sent them last month
Response: Really friendly but said there were no positions available at the moment. Advised to maybe re-send cv??
Party til the break of dawn
Met up with some of my mates last night who had been at a big party the night before. They couldn't stop bragging about how they'd come home at 5am and it was daylight - had to bite my tongue, i guess it is pretty late if you're use to finishing at 11pm when the country pubs close :P
Saturday, June 20, 2009
The Game???
I think you expected ME to want to be with YOU 24/7. I think you're beginning to realise it's YOU that wants ME 24/7. It's frustrating, isn't it?
Automatic V's Manual
Should you decide to drive a manual car in England, having driven an automatic for 2 years in Malaysia, please note the following:
- Your car most probably will not have a reverse sensor - watch out for walls and other cars when parking (this is what your mirrors are for).
- You will require "clutch control" failure to do so will result in the car stalling. Most likely when you're at traffic lights and there is traffic behind you.
- Your left foot will ache from abnormal ankle action and foot pressure (see point above re clutch control).
- If someone "gives way" they are simply being "nice". Acknowledge them with a brief wave/ head bob/ smile/ flash of lights
- Don't UNDER take.
- Keep to the speed limit. There ARE speed cameras in England.
- There is no aircon inside a car (or house for that matter). Open the window for ventilation (note to self, tie up hair).
- Don't use your horn, ever.
- Give WAY to pedestrians. Everywhere.
- Actually stop at Zebra Crossings.
- Don't jump red red/ yellow lights.
Please note that this advice comes purely from my thoughts and opinions and does not reflect any of my personal driving capabilities/ incidents/ discoveries since driving a manual car for 2 days.
- Your car most probably will not have a reverse sensor - watch out for walls and other cars when parking (this is what your mirrors are for).
- You will require "clutch control" failure to do so will result in the car stalling. Most likely when you're at traffic lights and there is traffic behind you.
- Your left foot will ache from abnormal ankle action and foot pressure (see point above re clutch control).
- If someone "gives way" they are simply being "nice". Acknowledge them with a brief wave/ head bob/ smile/ flash of lights
- Don't UNDER take.
- Keep to the speed limit. There ARE speed cameras in England.
- There is no aircon inside a car (or house for that matter). Open the window for ventilation (note to self, tie up hair).
- Don't use your horn, ever.
- Give WAY to pedestrians. Everywhere.
- Actually stop at Zebra Crossings.
- Don't jump red red/ yellow lights.
Please note that this advice comes purely from my thoughts and opinions and does not reflect any of my personal driving capabilities/ incidents/ discoveries since driving a manual car for 2 days.
The Mutherland
The moment I stepped off the plane, I burst into tears. I knew why, I was thinking "what the FUCK am i doing" but I tried to convince myself that they were tears of joy to be back...
It's my second day back in the UK. So far I have achieved the following:
- Ate Hovis with CLOVER butter and Marmalade
- Attempted to get a credit card however discovered that you can't get one if you are "unemployed" (whoops).
- Got insured on the car
- Got a phone contract and a really cool phone (a bit like an I phone) its called (something) Magic and it's white... here's a picture:
- Joined the gym - £40 per month - waaaah!
- Saw BUTDUNC yay!!!
- Saw my Shrub and Billy :):):)
- Had sexy time with Mada (don't have the strength to blog about him right now)
- Saw Pelly and his Mum asked me when I'm going to marry her Son so I could be her daughter in law - haha awh :)
- Ran 5K at the new gym
- Had an AMAZING cut and colour (my hair is finally restored to its natural beauty) at £80!! BAH!
- Visited my uber cool Gran
A busy two days. It sort of feels like how it usually does when I'm back for a week or so. The reality hasn't really set in yet... it will do in time I guess.
Tomorrow I'm off to buy my double bed and see some more friends and then on Monday I'll start the "JOB HUNT"... I suppose...
It's my second day back in the UK. So far I have achieved the following:
- Ate Hovis with CLOVER butter and Marmalade
- Attempted to get a credit card however discovered that you can't get one if you are "unemployed" (whoops).
- Got insured on the car
- Got a phone contract and a really cool phone (a bit like an I phone) its called (something) Magic and it's white... here's a picture:
- Joined the gym - £40 per month - waaaah!
- Saw BUTDUNC yay!!!
- Saw my Shrub and Billy :):):)
- Had sexy time with Mada (don't have the strength to blog about him right now)
- Saw Pelly and his Mum asked me when I'm going to marry her Son so I could be her daughter in law - haha awh :)
- Ran 5K at the new gym
- Had an AMAZING cut and colour (my hair is finally restored to its natural beauty) at £80!! BAH!
- Visited my uber cool Gran
A busy two days. It sort of feels like how it usually does when I'm back for a week or so. The reality hasn't really set in yet... it will do in time I guess.
Tomorrow I'm off to buy my double bed and see some more friends and then on Monday I'll start the "JOB HUNT"... I suppose...
So Long... Farewell...
No matter what people say, I can confirm that saying goodbye to loved ones is undoubtedly one of the hardest parts of my life. In the last 4 years I've had to continuously say goodbyes and seeyoulaters to my family and friends in the UK, America, Hong Kong and Kuala Lumpur.
After a farewell meal on Wednesday night (complete with an engraved cocktail shaker, a framed photo and recipies for Malaysian dishes)! The "Laksa Crew" gave me a true Malaysian farewell by all rocking up at the airport :)
There I was in my "I (HEART) Malaysia" t shirt having a fit over my excess baggage fee (don't even GO there)and they stood by offering suggestions (thanks Bombies) and lending a hand (thanks JoycenochinesemiddlenameLim).
Eventually we made it to our Chocolate Fudge sundae and took a few snaps and had a final natter. As i said good bye I remained composed until I hugged Mr J (of all people! Haha!) The tears started coming and then, yes, I hugged my ickle Bombie and the two of us just stood, in each others arms absolutely sobbing, like babies!!!
Eventually I pulled myself away - all the while, Mr J was filming (haha - you poo) and i made my way down to passport control. As i looked back one final time they all stood at the balcony above me. I yelled up (in possibly the loudest voice ever) "I LOVE YOU!" and they all yelled something back - possibly i love you too?? But either way, whatever it was (i couldn't hear due to the acoustics of the airport) I heard giggles and byes and I walked away.
I sobbed waiting for the plane, i sobbed on the plane, I sobbed when I landed. Only today have I really started to compose myself.
I never realised I was THAT loved. I never realised that I LOVED my friends THAT much either.
I love you guys and i love YOU the most... and you know who you are ;)
After a farewell meal on Wednesday night (complete with an engraved cocktail shaker, a framed photo and recipies for Malaysian dishes)! The "Laksa Crew" gave me a true Malaysian farewell by all rocking up at the airport :)
There I was in my "I (HEART) Malaysia" t shirt having a fit over my excess baggage fee (don't even GO there)and they stood by offering suggestions (thanks Bombies) and lending a hand (thanks JoycenochinesemiddlenameLim).
Eventually we made it to our Chocolate Fudge sundae and took a few snaps and had a final natter. As i said good bye I remained composed until I hugged Mr J (of all people! Haha!) The tears started coming and then, yes, I hugged my ickle Bombie and the two of us just stood, in each others arms absolutely sobbing, like babies!!!
Eventually I pulled myself away - all the while, Mr J was filming (haha - you poo) and i made my way down to passport control. As i looked back one final time they all stood at the balcony above me. I yelled up (in possibly the loudest voice ever) "I LOVE YOU!" and they all yelled something back - possibly i love you too?? But either way, whatever it was (i couldn't hear due to the acoustics of the airport) I heard giggles and byes and I walked away.
I sobbed waiting for the plane, i sobbed on the plane, I sobbed when I landed. Only today have I really started to compose myself.
I never realised I was THAT loved. I never realised that I LOVED my friends THAT much either.
I love you guys and i love YOU the most... and you know who you are ;)
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Take it & Go!
WHAT an exhausting day!
It all started by me 'missing' my TWO alarm clocks and waking up too late to meet a friend for breakfast and for my dentist appointment to have my braces REMOVED - can you believe it???
Eventually I made it to the dentist and had the braces taken off, retainer fitted and teeth whitened. I have to say after all the build up over coming months I was neither here nor there about it at the time. My teeth don't look extraordinarily different to how they did before, but upon smiling in the mirror (pretty much all afternoon) and looking through the photo album that the practice put together for me I really do see all the technicalities and changes.
Overall everything looks tighter, neater and brighter - it looks good. I'm happy. I'm pretty certain it was money well spent, although I am in a little discomfort this evening - everything feels a little sensitive and soar. Hopefully that will ease in a few days. If it doesn't then it's probably just because the dentist has totally fucked up my teeth with the rush of it all and they will all fall out and I'll have dentures put in - great!!
This afternoon/ evening I have desperately tried to pack as the removal dudes arrive at 930 AM (I will set 2 alarms, plus bombies is going to give me a wake up call if she remembers - please remember!! haha.)
Bombies and Jude dropped by as i had a shed load of stuff to give them, Bombies helped me throw out 3 bags of "products" from my bathroom in about 5 minutes and then we went for dinner. Once I got back, Kiwi came over and helped out a bit. Took photos of me in my state of "panic" and I played dress up with him (making him wear my jewelry etc). He gave me a bit of light relief so it was good of them all to pop by.
Now it's 02.00am and Kiwi just made a check up call on me. I'm totally spent and sleepy. So I'm gonna do the following in the morning:
- decide which shoes to pack/ ship
- Pack MAC - bye bye computer :(
- put one box aside for "last minute" bits
- Write my insurance itinerary (God help me)
Hopefully all will go smoothly and whatever gets left behind will just have to be chucked!!
Right, time to sleep. I will finish off blogging about my braces etc next week once I'm back in the UK, don't get me wrong, I'm REALLY enthusiastic about it - I'm just really really tired!!!
night night, sleep tight.
It all started by me 'missing' my TWO alarm clocks and waking up too late to meet a friend for breakfast and for my dentist appointment to have my braces REMOVED - can you believe it???
Eventually I made it to the dentist and had the braces taken off, retainer fitted and teeth whitened. I have to say after all the build up over coming months I was neither here nor there about it at the time. My teeth don't look extraordinarily different to how they did before, but upon smiling in the mirror (pretty much all afternoon) and looking through the photo album that the practice put together for me I really do see all the technicalities and changes.
Overall everything looks tighter, neater and brighter - it looks good. I'm happy. I'm pretty certain it was money well spent, although I am in a little discomfort this evening - everything feels a little sensitive and soar. Hopefully that will ease in a few days. If it doesn't then it's probably just because the dentist has totally fucked up my teeth with the rush of it all and they will all fall out and I'll have dentures put in - great!!
This afternoon/ evening I have desperately tried to pack as the removal dudes arrive at 930 AM (I will set 2 alarms, plus bombies is going to give me a wake up call if she remembers - please remember!! haha.)
Bombies and Jude dropped by as i had a shed load of stuff to give them, Bombies helped me throw out 3 bags of "products" from my bathroom in about 5 minutes and then we went for dinner. Once I got back, Kiwi came over and helped out a bit. Took photos of me in my state of "panic" and I played dress up with him (making him wear my jewelry etc). He gave me a bit of light relief so it was good of them all to pop by.
Now it's 02.00am and Kiwi just made a check up call on me. I'm totally spent and sleepy. So I'm gonna do the following in the morning:
- decide which shoes to pack/ ship
- Pack MAC - bye bye computer :(
- put one box aside for "last minute" bits
- Write my insurance itinerary (God help me)
Hopefully all will go smoothly and whatever gets left behind will just have to be chucked!!
Right, time to sleep. I will finish off blogging about my braces etc next week once I'm back in the UK, don't get me wrong, I'm REALLY enthusiastic about it - I'm just really really tired!!!
night night, sleep tight.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Another year older, another year wiser?
What a week! Since I've blogged I finished my travels in Vietnam which included our overnight boat cruise around Ha Long Bay - which was absolutely fabulous and drunken fun!

Returning to KL I had an overnight stop before getting up at 04.00 to go to HK for my birthday. Getting to sleep at 01.30 led me to sleep through my 2 alarm clocks and I was woken at 04.30 by the pre booked taxi driver asking where i was - thank God I booked. I skipped the Bus from KL Sentral and headed straight to the airport.
HK was a blast and as usual didn't disappoint. The weather held out for our Junk and I got massively drunk aboard deck - whoops! We had a fantastic time. The morning of my birthday was a hike for H and I up to Victoria Peak and brunch in a really nice restaurant called the Peak Cafe. Perfect.
One of my friends works for Coach and told me to swing by for a 50% (!!!) discount :):):) I ended up buying not one bag but three pieces - a bag, wallet and evening bag - but with 50% discount I'd be foolish not to! haha.

Eventually made it back to KL at about 02.00 this morning. Off to the gym now to rediscover my abs and then the removal guys will arrive at 11 to drop off my boxes - and so the hard work begins. Although I know that in the end - the leaving will be harder than the packing itself.
Wow, I'm 26. Ticking new boxes (26-30) now and a massive change is ahead, and as usual, I wonder, what on earth I will be doing this time next year - now this one is a REAL thinker...
Returning to KL I had an overnight stop before getting up at 04.00 to go to HK for my birthday. Getting to sleep at 01.30 led me to sleep through my 2 alarm clocks and I was woken at 04.30 by the pre booked taxi driver asking where i was - thank God I booked. I skipped the Bus from KL Sentral and headed straight to the airport.
HK was a blast and as usual didn't disappoint. The weather held out for our Junk and I got massively drunk aboard deck - whoops! We had a fantastic time. The morning of my birthday was a hike for H and I up to Victoria Peak and brunch in a really nice restaurant called the Peak Cafe. Perfect.
One of my friends works for Coach and told me to swing by for a 50% (!!!) discount :):):) I ended up buying not one bag but three pieces - a bag, wallet and evening bag - but with 50% discount I'd be foolish not to! haha.
Eventually made it back to KL at about 02.00 this morning. Off to the gym now to rediscover my abs and then the removal guys will arrive at 11 to drop off my boxes - and so the hard work begins. Although I know that in the end - the leaving will be harder than the packing itself.
Wow, I'm 26. Ticking new boxes (26-30) now and a massive change is ahead, and as usual, I wonder, what on earth I will be doing this time next year - now this one is a REAL thinker...
Monday, June 8, 2009
Up in Hanoi now, after a few days in Hoi An which was a lovely Old City full of beautiful shops where I had a dress made and shoes - a pair for me and a pair for bombies :)
Our journey there was on the sleeper bus, which was somewhat horrific and cramped, some random man stroked my leg in the night too... at least he didn't suck on my toes :s He may have liked my toes though, before getting the bus we went to a Mud Spa and it was really fun.
12 hours later we made it to our next destination.
We spent our time lazing on the beach, cycling around town and met up with Laurie again. We headed off yesterday morning to catch our flight (YES we gave in). As we got into the cab i had a strange impulse to check the ticket, this was when I realised our flight was booked for tyhe next day - doh.
Anyways we got on the waiting list and managed to make it up to Hanoi the same day. Hanoi is stinking hot and a bit crazy - much like Ho Chi Min. We're staying at this awesome hostel - Hanoi Backpackers. We stayed in a dorm this time as the rooms were full, but to be honest, despite paying $1 more a night it has enabled us to make a billion friends.
Yesterday was free beer all afternoon on the rooftop bar, followed by a trip to the SNAKE village last night where YES I tried a shot of Snake Blood (after seeing the snake brutally murdered) with the beating heart still in the shot glass, that was followed by snake bile - it tasted like very, very strong tequila! haha.
We all got shit faced on Snake Wine(?) and beer and played I have never... that dam game.... ;)
Today we booked our boat trip around Halong Bay, there is a group of us going and so it should be sweeet as. We're off to see the famous Water Puppetry tonight.
I miss Mada. Wonder if he would enjoy something like this....?
Must go, my new found friend has found a place for pedicures... hehe well, us "flashpackers"must have SOME luxuries. Besides, I am sleeping in a room with 14 other people...
Lots of love x
Our journey there was on the sleeper bus, which was somewhat horrific and cramped, some random man stroked my leg in the night too... at least he didn't suck on my toes :s He may have liked my toes though, before getting the bus we went to a Mud Spa and it was really fun.
12 hours later we made it to our next destination.
We spent our time lazing on the beach, cycling around town and met up with Laurie again. We headed off yesterday morning to catch our flight (YES we gave in). As we got into the cab i had a strange impulse to check the ticket, this was when I realised our flight was booked for tyhe next day - doh.
Anyways we got on the waiting list and managed to make it up to Hanoi the same day. Hanoi is stinking hot and a bit crazy - much like Ho Chi Min. We're staying at this awesome hostel - Hanoi Backpackers. We stayed in a dorm this time as the rooms were full, but to be honest, despite paying $1 more a night it has enabled us to make a billion friends.
Yesterday was free beer all afternoon on the rooftop bar, followed by a trip to the SNAKE village last night where YES I tried a shot of Snake Blood (after seeing the snake brutally murdered) with the beating heart still in the shot glass, that was followed by snake bile - it tasted like very, very strong tequila! haha.
We all got shit faced on Snake Wine(?) and beer and played I have never... that dam game.... ;)
Today we booked our boat trip around Halong Bay, there is a group of us going and so it should be sweeet as. We're off to see the famous Water Puppetry tonight.
I miss Mada. Wonder if he would enjoy something like this....?
Must go, my new found friend has found a place for pedicures... hehe well, us "flashpackers"must have SOME luxuries. Besides, I am sleeping in a room with 14 other people...
Lots of love x
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Goooood Mornin' Vietnam
I write to you from the land of Vietnam, where the internet in all hostels is FREE (times have changed since my backpacking days all those moons ago) and where the settings on blogspot are in Vietnamese. No I haven't learnt the language but I blog so frequently I know which buttons to autoclick on - haha!
So far, Vietnam is awesome. Arriving into HCM City was crazy, and i thought the traffic in KL was bad - think again. There are more motorbikes here than one can ever imagine but suprisingly, it is easier to cross a road here as the vehicles tend to veander around you rather than you dodging them.
We stayed at this absolutely lovely backpackers - Madam Cuc's. The manager, Ha, was so kind, gunine and friendly and made us feel right at home. We shared a room with our own bathroom for 10 bucks each. Including breakfast and dinner :) We were on the 5th floor (no lift) so the backpackers were hooked onto like a strong "pully" thing which lifted our bags up through the stairwell - it was fascinating.
We got out and about sampling all the local dishes (and in some real dives too!) as well as eatin in the outdoor market area. We tried the infamous paper rice rolls, the beef rice noodles and pancakes - delicious. We have camwhored over 600 times to date :P
We hung out with some other backpackers whilst taking an interesting trip to the Cu Chi undergorund bunkers from the Vietnam War - Kiwiboy nearly collapsed after squating through 80 metres of narrow paths. I sweated more than i did in an average spinning class (Bombie, i know you can imagine how grose I felt!).
I also shot 10 bullets from an AK47 and it was sweeeeet. And a tad expensive. But all in all the food has been cheap so far and all "Saigon" beers have been 241.
There was a small incident with a flying cockroach on our first night and Charles (may he rest in peace) was unfortunately murdered by Kiwiboy's shoe. Poor Charles... but well, in this day and age... it really is survival of the fittest. I have to say, i was thankful for having a "man" (yes, this is the one and only time i will refer to Kiwiboy as a "man") who thankfully "protected" me from Charles' evil intentions (flying into my mouth whilst i sleep and laying eggs inside of me etc).
Overnight i convinced KiwiBoy (much to his unwillingness due to previous experience) for us to take the sleeper train (the Hogwart express as i fondly refer to it as)rather than the over night bus to Nha Trang. It is a 7 hour journey and cost 23 bucks.
We met some adorable Vietnamese kids who shared our "cabin" with us (cabin being a room smaller than my old office with six bunks in it) and they kept us entertained for about 2 hours. I taught the little one (age 3) to count from 1 - 4 in English and a few "clapping" games whilst the older one (who was 5) definitely had a little crush on Kiwiboy who let her wear his aviators.
Eventually we crawled into our bunkers and managed to get about 4 hours shut eye. Whilst Kiwiboy lit up, I got harassed by the locals for a place to stay. At first i told then I wold "discuss with my Husband" first, on a second thought i was too tired to have a discussion over it - and went ahead with arranging our place to stay and transfer. I think Kiwiboy was a little shocked with my "right, i've sorted it, get in the cab" comment. Hehe.
This morning Kiwiboy was hallucinating due to his sheer exhaustion (weaner) so i let him sleep and went for a wonder around town and to the beach. On my reutrn i woke him up and we went for lunch where an innocent game of pool turned into somewhat of a dodgy situation with some locals - needless to say we now own two new books.. and at a price - best start reading!
The afternoon was spent sleeping on the beach and now we will go for a few drinkies on the hostels rooftop terrace. I have no idea what we're doing tomorrow, we are taking the "go with the flow" approach and it seems to be working out so far.
Accounts wise, money seems to be fleeing our wallets without intention :) We have created a "Mutual Fund" :) where we both put in the same amount to cover food, rent and travel expenses. This was a sensible suggestion, but as i say.. somehow we seem to have spent most of it already... :s
So, we have about another 1000 km to travel in 6 days. What are the odds we end up taking a domestic flight to hanoi in the next few days...? We'll see....
Must dash, its JD O'Clock ;)
(ps sorry for no spell check, can't be arsed) :P
So far, Vietnam is awesome. Arriving into HCM City was crazy, and i thought the traffic in KL was bad - think again. There are more motorbikes here than one can ever imagine but suprisingly, it is easier to cross a road here as the vehicles tend to veander around you rather than you dodging them.
We stayed at this absolutely lovely backpackers - Madam Cuc's. The manager, Ha, was so kind, gunine and friendly and made us feel right at home. We shared a room with our own bathroom for 10 bucks each. Including breakfast and dinner :) We were on the 5th floor (no lift) so the backpackers were hooked onto like a strong "pully" thing which lifted our bags up through the stairwell - it was fascinating.
We got out and about sampling all the local dishes (and in some real dives too!) as well as eatin in the outdoor market area. We tried the infamous paper rice rolls, the beef rice noodles and pancakes - delicious. We have camwhored over 600 times to date :P
We hung out with some other backpackers whilst taking an interesting trip to the Cu Chi undergorund bunkers from the Vietnam War - Kiwiboy nearly collapsed after squating through 80 metres of narrow paths. I sweated more than i did in an average spinning class (Bombie, i know you can imagine how grose I felt!).
I also shot 10 bullets from an AK47 and it was sweeeeet. And a tad expensive. But all in all the food has been cheap so far and all "Saigon" beers have been 241.
There was a small incident with a flying cockroach on our first night and Charles (may he rest in peace) was unfortunately murdered by Kiwiboy's shoe. Poor Charles... but well, in this day and age... it really is survival of the fittest. I have to say, i was thankful for having a "man" (yes, this is the one and only time i will refer to Kiwiboy as a "man") who thankfully "protected" me from Charles' evil intentions (flying into my mouth whilst i sleep and laying eggs inside of me etc).
Overnight i convinced KiwiBoy (much to his unwillingness due to previous experience) for us to take the sleeper train (the Hogwart express as i fondly refer to it as)rather than the over night bus to Nha Trang. It is a 7 hour journey and cost 23 bucks.
We met some adorable Vietnamese kids who shared our "cabin" with us (cabin being a room smaller than my old office with six bunks in it) and they kept us entertained for about 2 hours. I taught the little one (age 3) to count from 1 - 4 in English and a few "clapping" games whilst the older one (who was 5) definitely had a little crush on Kiwiboy who let her wear his aviators.
Eventually we crawled into our bunkers and managed to get about 4 hours shut eye. Whilst Kiwiboy lit up, I got harassed by the locals for a place to stay. At first i told then I wold "discuss with my Husband" first, on a second thought i was too tired to have a discussion over it - and went ahead with arranging our place to stay and transfer. I think Kiwiboy was a little shocked with my "right, i've sorted it, get in the cab" comment. Hehe.
This morning Kiwiboy was hallucinating due to his sheer exhaustion (weaner) so i let him sleep and went for a wonder around town and to the beach. On my reutrn i woke him up and we went for lunch where an innocent game of pool turned into somewhat of a dodgy situation with some locals - needless to say we now own two new books.. and at a price - best start reading!
The afternoon was spent sleeping on the beach and now we will go for a few drinkies on the hostels rooftop terrace. I have no idea what we're doing tomorrow, we are taking the "go with the flow" approach and it seems to be working out so far.
Accounts wise, money seems to be fleeing our wallets without intention :) We have created a "Mutual Fund" :) where we both put in the same amount to cover food, rent and travel expenses. This was a sensible suggestion, but as i say.. somehow we seem to have spent most of it already... :s
So, we have about another 1000 km to travel in 6 days. What are the odds we end up taking a domestic flight to hanoi in the next few days...? We'll see....
Must dash, its JD O'Clock ;)
(ps sorry for no spell check, can't be arsed) :P
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About Me

- Bubs
- Surrey, United Kingdom
- "I have found that if a problem rears its head, the best way to deal with it is by being highly emotional, inconsistent and super irrational and the problem tends to go away..."