September is here and the wind has a bitter chill, despite the bursts of sunshine between the clouds. Took a run outside today to try and clear my thoughts, I did, in a way, as all I could think about was how hard it seemed to be to pump oxygen around my body!
Last week the boy and I went to see Pete Murray at The Borderline. He was fantastic (Pete Murray that is!) and it felt so special to go with him (the boyfriend!), seeing as we have been fans for all these years. Who'd have thought we'd end up seeing him together and, more importantly as a couple.
I am so happy in my relationship, I know I have found the person I want to be with. I can be silly, I can share my secrets and dreams, I can cry and I can bitch, I can laugh til i cry, with him. With him I am me. I am happy.
Yeh, I am happy and sad too, at times. He pulls me through the darkest days, the days when I miss my former life. I am so thankful for him. That's why i can say I'm happy. Sunday i was so blue, he came over and we ordered Chinese and watched Mrs Doubtfire together. I don't know a lot of guys who'd watch such a shit film, just because they know their girl needs cheering up :o)
And so yes, it is September and it looks like I may soon be stumbling upon a dreaded Temporary job. I am still financially stable, I haven't touched my precious savings... yet. I still have time and money, fortunately, on my side.
I've thought about the jobs that I have applied for - though far and few between. The ones that mattered to me - in that, I genuinely wanted were as followed:
- Teacher Assistant (children)
- Projects Coordinator (travel)
- Volunteers Coordinator (charity)
- Sales Team (travel)
- Sales Coordinator (radio)
- Temps project manager (recruitment)
- Mandarin T.A (children)
I still wait to hear back on the radio job. The latest, I applied for today is a company set up who run after school clubs for children learning Mandarin (i wanna send my children there one day - heehee). You don't have to be able to speak Mandarin for the role I'm looking at, just to "be creative and enjoy working with primary aged children". Well, this would be a nice job to tie me over, all those little sweet Asian faces, then maybe it will help me decide if I should go back to college next year or not.
It really is a waiting game. I've seen a lot of jobs on line lately in claims and insurance. Must fight the resistance. I don't want to put myself back in that rut. Plus, despite how the CV looks, I'd probably struggle with any insurance work. Everyday was a struggle in KL. I want to do something I'm passionate about, and I believe that day will come , i must continue to pray.
Speaking of praying, I am a step closer to returning to church. Having chatted with my Gran (and avid songs of praise go-er) she just so happened to bump into the vicar's wife this week and told her about me. hmm. I have told gran I will take her one Sunday... maybe this Sunday, maybe next, we'll see.
Keep praying for me little followers of my GW.