I've definitely learnt a lot about myself this week and last. It's amazing when put in new and unfamiliar surroundings how much you come to depend on yourself.
The new job involves a lot of maths, percentages, targets, gross profit... oh the list goes on (in the form of a spreadsheet) and if you know anything about me you'll know that maths is something I will literally do anything to avoid. It may not be the trickiest of calculations but when faced with numbers i just completely panic and go into meltdown mode.
Unfortunately at my job interview it wasn't really made clear to me just how much maths, formulas and spreadsheets were involved in the day to day running of my job (had it been so, i probably wouldn't have accepted it!) and so i am faced with two choices - face the challenge head on or run away and hide as usual.
This time I've decided to tackle it one on one. Literally. It's me against the world of multiply and division.
I have found over the course of last week and today that by breathing deeply, working slowly and methodically, ensuring I understand the theory behind the calculation, checking, double checking and OCD checking, I can do it.
I have literally amazed myself. The fear of failing and looking stupid (which, I really would do for most of the questions I would ask if I dare speak my thoughts)have driven me to self contain my questions and work out the answers by myself.
I'm really proud of myself. It probably sounds stupid to anyone reading this. But think of the hardest most challenging task you have to do and how much you hate doing it and how hard you find it every time you even look at it, simple or hard. Well that's me with numbers, but this week has been my first steps to opening my mind to the fact that I CAN do it.
On another note, I asked my manager if it would be OK if I left the office dead on 5.30 today as I wanted to make the 17.43 train to go to my body pump class. She looked at me as if I'd just asked for a pay rise. Guess I'm not use to working for a company which doesn't frown upon you leaving the moment you stop getting paid.
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