19.08.08 (from previous blog)

I did not sleep well last night at all, understandably. I woke up feeling like crap, especially after the rotten night I’d had - but that’s a WHOLE other diary entry.
I got this text from my boyfriend “Whatever that is beautiful, whatever that is lovely, whatever that is worthwhile, think of such things. Everything is going to be fine. Trust me”
That helped lift my mood J
As 12.00pm rolled around I packed up my bag and headed down to the clinic (which happens to be on the ground floor of my office building)
So here goes…
I sat in the chair, so so quiet, I didn’t even attempt to make conversation when I walked in, I was like “Hi, just do it”. the dentist just nodded, like some kind of unspoken language that was read through my eyes - see what he heard was this: “Listen here, dick head. If there were anyone in the world that I could hate more in the world right now it would be you. You, Mr, you Mr Dentist who is a dentist because he didn’t make it as a REAL DOCTOR. Well, you better do a dam good job. Because in 14 months I will be thanking you for putting me through this shitty experience and beaming with a huge gigantic Hollywood smile! Shall we begin?”
As he put the first few brackets it on I ran my tongue over them and they felt HUGE even though I had seen them before and they looked pretty small. Gradually, one by one he put each bracket on followed by the wire and screwed it so tight I felt like my teeth were gonna be pulled out then an there. I lay there with the dark glasses on lithey give you, listening to the stupid “calming” music they played softly in the background and slowly the tears began to well up - what the hell am I doing? Then my heart started to race and my palms got sweaty and he obviously sensed I was nervous and asked if I needed to take a break but I just shook my head and pulled the tears back in. Suck it up girl, come on, this is what you want, there’s no turning back now.
Then he told me to rinse and spit… then he handed me a mirror.
(thought process in my head)
OK, this is ok, well my lip is like, looking weird but I can totally pull off “the pout” haha. I didn’t say a lot. Paid 4000 myr and walked out to my car and applied my new MAC lip gloss J
So, luckily I took the rest of the day off and went home to work, I have to admit, I do just keep looking at myself in the mirror - haha. It’s been an ok afternoon. I can now shut my mouth nw and I’m trying out different “smiles” hehe. But now, its about 9pm and my whole face is beginning to hurt like hell.
I decided to take a shower earlier and reapply my make up so I didn’t look rough (even though I’m sitting here on my own) and my god, brushing the teeth is one thing but getting the toothpasty shite out is quite another. I’m gonna have to get up 10 mins earlier in the morning to accommodate the art of brace brushing perfection.
So, yeh, tomorrow will be the big day, seeing how people react. I’ll make note of the comments/ jokes/ compliments (if any) that I receive. I just popped over to my neighbors place, Elia, she lives a few doors down and she didn’t even say anything then was like “oh shit I didn’t notice, I was expecting a mouth full of metal but if I stand here (moved two feet back) I can’t even notice!” bless, telling the truth or lying it felt good.
Man I’m bloody starving. But after the mission of getting the toothpasty crap out of my mouth, I’m not sure can handle the soup!!!
Good job I bought that tub of Ben and Jerry’s on my way home eh?
I got this text from my boyfriend “Whatever that is beautiful, whatever that is lovely, whatever that is worthwhile, think of such things. Everything is going to be fine. Trust me”
That helped lift my mood J
As 12.00pm rolled around I packed up my bag and headed down to the clinic (which happens to be on the ground floor of my office building)
So here goes…
I sat in the chair, so so quiet, I didn’t even attempt to make conversation when I walked in, I was like “Hi, just do it”. the dentist just nodded, like some kind of unspoken language that was read through my eyes - see what he heard was this: “Listen here, dick head. If there were anyone in the world that I could hate more in the world right now it would be you. You, Mr, you Mr Dentist who is a dentist because he didn’t make it as a REAL DOCTOR. Well, you better do a dam good job. Because in 14 months I will be thanking you for putting me through this shitty experience and beaming with a huge gigantic Hollywood smile! Shall we begin?”
As he put the first few brackets it on I ran my tongue over them and they felt HUGE even though I had seen them before and they looked pretty small. Gradually, one by one he put each bracket on followed by the wire and screwed it so tight I felt like my teeth were gonna be pulled out then an there. I lay there with the dark glasses on lithey give you, listening to the stupid “calming” music they played softly in the background and slowly the tears began to well up - what the hell am I doing? Then my heart started to race and my palms got sweaty and he obviously sensed I was nervous and asked if I needed to take a break but I just shook my head and pulled the tears back in. Suck it up girl, come on, this is what you want, there’s no turning back now.
Then he told me to rinse and spit… then he handed me a mirror.
(thought process in my head)
OK, this is ok, well my lip is like, looking weird but I can totally pull off “the pout” haha. I didn’t say a lot. Paid 4000 myr and walked out to my car and applied my new MAC lip gloss J
So, luckily I took the rest of the day off and went home to work, I have to admit, I do just keep looking at myself in the mirror - haha. It’s been an ok afternoon. I can now shut my mouth nw and I’m trying out different “smiles” hehe. But now, its about 9pm and my whole face is beginning to hurt like hell.
I decided to take a shower earlier and reapply my make up so I didn’t look rough (even though I’m sitting here on my own) and my god, brushing the teeth is one thing but getting the toothpasty shite out is quite another. I’m gonna have to get up 10 mins earlier in the morning to accommodate the art of brace brushing perfection.
So, yeh, tomorrow will be the big day, seeing how people react. I’ll make note of the comments/ jokes/ compliments (if any) that I receive. I just popped over to my neighbors place, Elia, she lives a few doors down and she didn’t even say anything then was like “oh shit I didn’t notice, I was expecting a mouth full of metal but if I stand here (moved two feet back) I can’t even notice!” bless, telling the truth or lying it felt good.
Man I’m bloody starving. But after the mission of getting the toothpasty crap out of my mouth, I’m not sure can handle the soup!!!
Good job I bought that tub of Ben and Jerry’s on my way home eh?
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