I forgot my mobile on the way to work this morning and realised only a few minutes into my journey. I thought about turning back for a few seconds and wondered did I really need my phone today, I had no plans for the evening and there are so many other ways I can communicate with people....
- email
- facebook
- msn
- skype
- send letter by pigeon mail
- talk face to face
Thought better of it and quickly turned round and picked it up. Subsequently the following happened:
- call from colleague 1, had been in hospital all night with her Mum but was on her way in
- call from colleague 2, was stuck in jam, would be late
- call from colleague 3, had got cramp in her leg at office lobby, needed someone to come down and help her, was crying(?!)
- I called colleague 4 for assistance, who was stuck in jam and not in office
- I called colleague 5, who was in office and said would go to meet colleague 3
- colleague 1 called, jam in KL was bad, would be later than she thought
- call from NB to see where i am, advised was stuck in same jam as colleague 4 and 1
AIYA! What did we all do before we had mobiles? If we were late for work, would we pull over and call from a pay phone or did we just rock up when we wanted? If there was an emergency, how did we get help? did we carry our "phonebook" around with us in a filofax (I hasten to add that I still do for emergency back up - haha).
Needless to say, I'm glad I went back to get my phone. Now we are all in the office, nice and calm, getting on with our day.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Maybe I'm not fat
OK, OK, I know what you're thinking - 61K is not really fat, and well actually to be fair it's not. I actually calculated my body mass index (BMI) and it is actually currently at 21.6, at my lowest weight it was 19.2 - fuck, I actually gained 15 pounds - FUCK that's a STONE!!!! OMG!!! (wrote the blog title before this sudden revelation)!
BMI calculation is as followed:
BMI Categories:
Underweight = <18.5
Normal weight = 18.5-24.9
Overweight = 25-29.9
Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater
So I'm "normal" ok, ok but i feel like I'm in the "obesity" category. Dam. I was so so close to be underweight.
Check yours, http://www.nhlbisupport.com/bmi/
The reason I started the blog by saying "Maybe I'm not fat" is because Fatty in my office just went up to the cookies NB brought over from Venice and has devoured 4 since she went for lunch.
She is obese too. I think she must weigh 80-90 Kilos at least. I'm just gonna keep looking at her munch munch munching away and remind myself of how anorexic I'm going to look very, very soon if I can just stick to my plan below ;)

- me on the beach in Langkawi????? ARGH!
BMI calculation is as followed:
BMI Categories:
Underweight = <18.5
Normal weight = 18.5-24.9
Overweight = 25-29.9
Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater
So I'm "normal" ok, ok but i feel like I'm in the "obesity" category. Dam. I was so so close to be underweight.
Check yours, http://www.nhlbisupport.com/bmi/
The reason I started the blog by saying "Maybe I'm not fat" is because Fatty in my office just went up to the cookies NB brought over from Venice and has devoured 4 since she went for lunch.
She is obese too. I think she must weigh 80-90 Kilos at least. I'm just gonna keep looking at her munch munch munching away and remind myself of how anorexic I'm going to look very, very soon if I can just stick to my plan below ;)

- me on the beach in Langkawi????? ARGH!
Lap Sap Po
After being educated on the true meaning of "Lap Sap" which literally means "rubbish" in Cantonese, I have decided that I feel Lap Sap today. Fortunately for me, all my Lap Sap concerns are recoverable but heck, I'm gonna tell you why I am Lap Sap today anyway.
1) I have (un)officially torn a muscle in my thigh. And it hurts.
- You may have thought I did this running, seeing as we all know what an avid runner I am. But no. How did I do it? By getting horrendously drunk, thinking I was invincible and by dancing for 4 hours straight in the following places:
* In the QEII Club, Penang.
* On the stage at the QEII, Penang
* On the Podium at the QEII, Penang
* On the bar top at the QEII, Penang
As I got "low low low" I may have gone one notch too low and subsequently felt this "twang" in my leg, that was when I thought, "uh oh" I have done something wrong here, as my leg gave way below me. However, I was on the stage with Caprice at the time, drunk and on camera (had just done 7 shots in a row), therefore, I continued to dance and subsequently have paralysed one leg. Actually today (3 days on) I am starting to recover (but it still hurts to sit down/ get up) and am considering going to RPM with Bombie tonight, but I think this muscle is still quite torn therefore the gentler option may be to have a long, slow jog. Aiya.
2) I'm FAT
Yes, it's official, I'm joining my best mate in her misery, I too am publically declaring that I am fat. I weighed in at no less than 61KILOS this morning. In order to resolve this I am going to do the following:
* Not eat ever again
* Drink water until it seeps out of my ear holes
* Exercise excessively (despite being paralysed from the waist down (please refer to point 1))
* Complain about it and hope that my vocalised distress will help
3) I'm hungry
Although I did indulge in 2 wheetbix with semi skimmed milk this morning AND a cup of tea.
* Please refer to point 2.
1) I have (un)officially torn a muscle in my thigh. And it hurts.
- You may have thought I did this running, seeing as we all know what an avid runner I am. But no. How did I do it? By getting horrendously drunk, thinking I was invincible and by dancing for 4 hours straight in the following places:
* In the QEII Club, Penang.
* On the stage at the QEII, Penang
* On the Podium at the QEII, Penang
* On the bar top at the QEII, Penang
As I got "low low low" I may have gone one notch too low and subsequently felt this "twang" in my leg, that was when I thought, "uh oh" I have done something wrong here, as my leg gave way below me. However, I was on the stage with Caprice at the time, drunk and on camera (had just done 7 shots in a row), therefore, I continued to dance and subsequently have paralysed one leg. Actually today (3 days on) I am starting to recover (but it still hurts to sit down/ get up) and am considering going to RPM with Bombie tonight, but I think this muscle is still quite torn therefore the gentler option may be to have a long, slow jog. Aiya.
2) I'm FAT
Yes, it's official, I'm joining my best mate in her misery, I too am publically declaring that I am fat. I weighed in at no less than 61KILOS this morning. In order to resolve this I am going to do the following:
* Not eat ever again
* Drink water until it seeps out of my ear holes
* Exercise excessively (despite being paralysed from the waist down (please refer to point 1))
* Complain about it and hope that my vocalised distress will help
3) I'm hungry
Although I did indulge in 2 wheetbix with semi skimmed milk this morning AND a cup of tea.
* Please refer to point 2.
Monday, April 27, 2009
The Trophy (ex) Girlfriend
If you once dated a really hot girl but are no longer with her you cannot "trophy" her. You can have a "Trophy" Girlfriend but not a Trophy (ex) Girlfriend.
Because of the following:
1) You introduce her to your friends and they all think "lucky fucker" - you didn't manage to keep her though did you?
2) You introduce her to your friends and they all think "lucky fucker" - why on earth did you dump her?
In Conclusion: You look like a prick and the "ex" has Dumpees Revenge ;)
Because of the following:
1) You introduce her to your friends and they all think "lucky fucker" - you didn't manage to keep her though did you?
2) You introduce her to your friends and they all think "lucky fucker" - why on earth did you dump her?
In Conclusion: You look like a prick and the "ex" has Dumpees Revenge ;)
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Cheese String
Wow, 3 blog entries in 1 day, you can totally see my motivation to work. It's kinda bad as I have to keep reminding myself I have another 5 weeks and 3 days to go yet. Still, as long as I'm getting the main things done, I don't care so much. I feel like I've been pretty much pushed out of the picture now, little or no contact from the UK and NB is on leave until next week so, give a shit? Nope.
I'm a little distressed, following my dental appointment this afternoon. Firstly I mentioned to my dentist how bad the ulcers had been, he kinda laughed it off but then went he put the mirror/ stick thing in my mouth his face was pure classic: shock. He was like "oh my god, I'm so sorry" I was like, er, what? You see the pain was pretty much unbearable, I hardly ate solids for a week and was in agony talking for about 6-7 days. My cheeks were swollen and all, but I thought maybe it was me being pathetic and not having a high enough pain threshold. How wrong was I?
He said he needed to put some sterile solution on them before they became infected and then sealed it over with this banana tasting weird stuff that initially made my whole body do that "scrunch up" thing (you know where you curl your toes, fist your fingers and scrunch your nose) as it was so stingy but then aaaaaah relief. I can't even feel the open wounds now. Thank God.
He said I should have come and seen him and that my mouth was literally all ripped up and white and pusy all along the insides of my cheeks, right at the top of my jaw where I couldn't stretch my cheeks to see. I mean I knew it was bad but i guess I couldn't see right where he could with the mirror. He just kept apologising over and over and I was like, well, um, well there you go. Kinda thing.
He shaved the edges of my canine teeth as they kept knocking funnily and now when I bite my teeth sit perfectly (along the back sides) together. He is desperately trying to finish the correction of the overbite and get some stability in my jaw. As it seems each time I bite down my jaw kinda wobbles and will go one way and then another. That's why my jaw always dislocates itself (well it did do before the braces, anyway). So he has added these new elastics "rabbit elastics" ergh, even the name makes me cringe. Worse still they've in like an upside down triangle shape on my two teeth top teeth (next to the middle ones) and lower canine. It looks fucking awful. He told me (cheekily) that I can take them out for "events" and smiled. Grrrr you arsehole. At least it's only 8 more weeks... 8 and fingers crossed it will be over.
I don't want to rush the ending and not having them look as perfect as they could be, but at the same time, knowing that I'm returning to the UK for a fresh start and what with all the hassle (see passport for life entry - haha) with seeing the dentist there I'd love for it all to just be done and dusted. I've asked for them to be laser whitened too, the day they come off - then i really will have a Hollywood smile :) But again, it's all about the funds.... I'll try and work it out. I just have to be so careful I don't touch my savings, I really want to get my life moving forward and I need those savings for that to happen.
I came out of the clinic and immediately called Bombie, she was in the office and had her serious office voice on so i just blabbered away about how traumatic my life was and tried to make it a comparison to the time she had her double eyelid surgery. She shot me down in one blast - biatch! It worked though ;)
Got back to the office and ate (without them in) at least i can actually eat now - horary! I put them back in after eating, and then my colleague told me, don't worry, you just look like you ate a really cheesy pizza and that there is still some dangling between your teeth. Well thanks. That is really, really reassuring.
No wonder kids are so traumatized by braces. If I had to hear comments like that when I was 12, I'd have probably never have eaten pizza (or cheese, for that matter) again, for the rest of my life.

~ my juicy lips.. pwaaaah
I'm a little distressed, following my dental appointment this afternoon. Firstly I mentioned to my dentist how bad the ulcers had been, he kinda laughed it off but then went he put the mirror/ stick thing in my mouth his face was pure classic: shock. He was like "oh my god, I'm so sorry" I was like, er, what? You see the pain was pretty much unbearable, I hardly ate solids for a week and was in agony talking for about 6-7 days. My cheeks were swollen and all, but I thought maybe it was me being pathetic and not having a high enough pain threshold. How wrong was I?
He said he needed to put some sterile solution on them before they became infected and then sealed it over with this banana tasting weird stuff that initially made my whole body do that "scrunch up" thing (you know where you curl your toes, fist your fingers and scrunch your nose) as it was so stingy but then aaaaaah relief. I can't even feel the open wounds now. Thank God.
He said I should have come and seen him and that my mouth was literally all ripped up and white and pusy all along the insides of my cheeks, right at the top of my jaw where I couldn't stretch my cheeks to see. I mean I knew it was bad but i guess I couldn't see right where he could with the mirror. He just kept apologising over and over and I was like, well, um, well there you go. Kinda thing.
He shaved the edges of my canine teeth as they kept knocking funnily and now when I bite my teeth sit perfectly (along the back sides) together. He is desperately trying to finish the correction of the overbite and get some stability in my jaw. As it seems each time I bite down my jaw kinda wobbles and will go one way and then another. That's why my jaw always dislocates itself (well it did do before the braces, anyway). So he has added these new elastics "rabbit elastics" ergh, even the name makes me cringe. Worse still they've in like an upside down triangle shape on my two teeth top teeth (next to the middle ones) and lower canine. It looks fucking awful. He told me (cheekily) that I can take them out for "events" and smiled. Grrrr you arsehole. At least it's only 8 more weeks... 8 and fingers crossed it will be over.
I don't want to rush the ending and not having them look as perfect as they could be, but at the same time, knowing that I'm returning to the UK for a fresh start and what with all the hassle (see passport for life entry - haha) with seeing the dentist there I'd love for it all to just be done and dusted. I've asked for them to be laser whitened too, the day they come off - then i really will have a Hollywood smile :) But again, it's all about the funds.... I'll try and work it out. I just have to be so careful I don't touch my savings, I really want to get my life moving forward and I need those savings for that to happen.
I came out of the clinic and immediately called Bombie, she was in the office and had her serious office voice on so i just blabbered away about how traumatic my life was and tried to make it a comparison to the time she had her double eyelid surgery. She shot me down in one blast - biatch! It worked though ;)
Got back to the office and ate (without them in) at least i can actually eat now - horary! I put them back in after eating, and then my colleague told me, don't worry, you just look like you ate a really cheesy pizza and that there is still some dangling between your teeth. Well thanks. That is really, really reassuring.
No wonder kids are so traumatized by braces. If I had to hear comments like that when I was 12, I'd have probably never have eaten pizza (or cheese, for that matter) again, for the rest of my life.
~ my juicy lips.. pwaaaah
Foreign Object
Also, whilst I'm at it - I woke up this morning and realised I had swallowed one of my elastic bands in my sleep. I'm not really sure what my thoughts are about this. Only that I could have choaked on it and died.
Passport to Life
I have to say, I'm extremely impressed with the people's republic of China... i/e the China embassy, Malaysia. I'm not one for paper work and documents etc but getting my Visa for China really was very simple - or perhaps it's just me that usually over complicates matters?
A friend sent me the link to download the China Visa form. I completed it, attached a photo, took it to the embassy, queued up was in and out in no more than 15 mins (I went at about 10.30 so it was starting to get busy) on the Thursday and was told to come and collect it on the Tuesday. I headed down this morning at 9.15, paid myr 130 and within 5 minutes was out again with my passport, complete with Visa.
I think when it comes to these things it more the dread of getting round to doing it rather than the actual doing itself. It's like when I had to get a new passport. Yes, that was extremely annoying as I had to apply through the British Embassy here in Malaysia, it was massively expensive (£100+!!) and then I had to send it off to Labuan for my new employment visa. In hindsight I really only had to take 2 trips down to the Embassy, both times there was no one else waiting and I was served immediately.
I guess it's more the to and fro ing that's the most annoying. I must keep that in mind though, one of my really bad attributes is that I put off doing something because the thought of it makes me think "mah" but actually when it comes around to it, it's never really as bad as I think. And rather than sitting on something, putting it off and off, you may as well just get it done because all that feeling of 'dread' inside you isn't really healthy and only stresses you out for no major reason. Is this a longwinded way of implying that I am lazy? Maybe.
Next week I'll need to get my Vietnam Visa (once Kiwi gets his arse in gear and confirms the flights etc with me) and then that's it, I'm done. All trips booked and all visa's collected! I'm so excited for the coming two months, so much fun to be had (although a little concerned about money, I should be OK). Beijing is now looking more and more exciting as my friend up there has sent me info on Chinese cooking classes and tours :) How fun? We will actually get to go to a traditional market and handpick all the ingredients ourselves. It's gonna be fantastic.
As for this weekend, I am off to Penang to visit DanDan. If PhotoBoy can get us tickets then we will also go to the Hennessy event, which should be awesome. But mostly I'm looking forward to seeing the city and trying all the local food. Unfortunately Kuching has been taken off the cards. I can't say I'm not disappointed but well, you can't do everything. I'm just thankful that I agreed to go to Langkawi, at least I will get to have one holiday with Bombie and friends. That means that the long weekend I have booked off in KL, can be spent getting a hair cut (hate my fringe, wanna get rid of it again - lol), going for a mani and pedi (resorted to cutting and filing my own nails last night - very distressing) eating Durian (it's been WAY too long), going clubbing (Mambo Jumbo on the Wed night and then maybe Zouk/ MOS over the weekend), sunbathing/ relaxing and oh, job hunting.
As for HK, which seems so far away right now I was wondering too if I really wanted to spend my birthday there but yes I do, I want to spend it with H. On my actually Birthday (the day after the birthday junk) we are going to take an early morning hike up to the Peek (I've never hiked it before so that's gonna be totally cool) and have a "Birthday Brunch" at a restaurant up top. Hopefully Hong Kong Dim Sum would be great. It will be really awesome to have a photo up there too. You know why? Because I went there on one of my first days in Hong Kong and now, will be taking another, over 3 years on, just a few days before I leave, for good.
I'm also really excited about moving back to the UK, of course I still haven't made headway with what I'm doing. Some won't believe this but I've actually looked at taking my teacher training course... maybe it wouldn't be SUCH a bad idea... the only problem I have got so far is that you need A-C in English, Maths and Science at GCSE level. I have a B in English Lit & Lang, a C in Maths (would you believe it? And yes, I had private after-school tuition!) but in Science I got a D :( So I'm not sure where this leaves me. The news says that the UK is "crying out" for teachers, so maybe given that I will be a "mature" student, they will make an exception?? We'll see, I have a family friend who is headmaster at a local school, I think I'll contact him and ask. It's just another idea... so we'll see.
Gosh this was supposed to be me just blogging about how impressed I am about Visa applications and Embassy adventures. Oh well, I guess it's nothing out of the ordinary for me to ramble on, about myself. Have a nice day people :)
A friend sent me the link to download the China Visa form. I completed it, attached a photo, took it to the embassy, queued up was in and out in no more than 15 mins (I went at about 10.30 so it was starting to get busy) on the Thursday and was told to come and collect it on the Tuesday. I headed down this morning at 9.15, paid myr 130 and within 5 minutes was out again with my passport, complete with Visa.
I think when it comes to these things it more the dread of getting round to doing it rather than the actual doing itself. It's like when I had to get a new passport. Yes, that was extremely annoying as I had to apply through the British Embassy here in Malaysia, it was massively expensive (£100+!!) and then I had to send it off to Labuan for my new employment visa. In hindsight I really only had to take 2 trips down to the Embassy, both times there was no one else waiting and I was served immediately.
I guess it's more the to and fro ing that's the most annoying. I must keep that in mind though, one of my really bad attributes is that I put off doing something because the thought of it makes me think "mah" but actually when it comes around to it, it's never really as bad as I think. And rather than sitting on something, putting it off and off, you may as well just get it done because all that feeling of 'dread' inside you isn't really healthy and only stresses you out for no major reason. Is this a longwinded way of implying that I am lazy? Maybe.
Next week I'll need to get my Vietnam Visa (once Kiwi gets his arse in gear and confirms the flights etc with me) and then that's it, I'm done. All trips booked and all visa's collected! I'm so excited for the coming two months, so much fun to be had (although a little concerned about money, I should be OK). Beijing is now looking more and more exciting as my friend up there has sent me info on Chinese cooking classes and tours :) How fun? We will actually get to go to a traditional market and handpick all the ingredients ourselves. It's gonna be fantastic.
As for this weekend, I am off to Penang to visit DanDan. If PhotoBoy can get us tickets then we will also go to the Hennessy event, which should be awesome. But mostly I'm looking forward to seeing the city and trying all the local food. Unfortunately Kuching has been taken off the cards. I can't say I'm not disappointed but well, you can't do everything. I'm just thankful that I agreed to go to Langkawi, at least I will get to have one holiday with Bombie and friends. That means that the long weekend I have booked off in KL, can be spent getting a hair cut (hate my fringe, wanna get rid of it again - lol), going for a mani and pedi (resorted to cutting and filing my own nails last night - very distressing) eating Durian (it's been WAY too long), going clubbing (Mambo Jumbo on the Wed night and then maybe Zouk/ MOS over the weekend), sunbathing/ relaxing and oh, job hunting.
As for HK, which seems so far away right now I was wondering too if I really wanted to spend my birthday there but yes I do, I want to spend it with H. On my actually Birthday (the day after the birthday junk) we are going to take an early morning hike up to the Peek (I've never hiked it before so that's gonna be totally cool) and have a "Birthday Brunch" at a restaurant up top. Hopefully Hong Kong Dim Sum would be great. It will be really awesome to have a photo up there too. You know why? Because I went there on one of my first days in Hong Kong and now, will be taking another, over 3 years on, just a few days before I leave, for good.
I'm also really excited about moving back to the UK, of course I still haven't made headway with what I'm doing. Some won't believe this but I've actually looked at taking my teacher training course... maybe it wouldn't be SUCH a bad idea... the only problem I have got so far is that you need A-C in English, Maths and Science at GCSE level. I have a B in English Lit & Lang, a C in Maths (would you believe it? And yes, I had private after-school tuition!) but in Science I got a D :( So I'm not sure where this leaves me. The news says that the UK is "crying out" for teachers, so maybe given that I will be a "mature" student, they will make an exception?? We'll see, I have a family friend who is headmaster at a local school, I think I'll contact him and ask. It's just another idea... so we'll see.
Gosh this was supposed to be me just blogging about how impressed I am about Visa applications and Embassy adventures. Oh well, I guess it's nothing out of the ordinary for me to ramble on, about myself. Have a nice day people :)
Monday, April 20, 2009
I've got worms
As I was falling asleep last night I could hear this "ding" noise coming from my I Mac - I realised I'd left my Messenger on and an email was coming through, I was really sleepy and already dribbling a sufficient amount on my pillow and couldn't be arsed to get up and turn it off. But then I heard another "ding" after another, eventually I had to get up for I had heard more than 20 within a minute.
It was emails coming through with out of office replies and I was thinking... WTF? As I looked at the content of the message that "I" sent I realised I had been attacked by Worms!
I looked all around me, checking that they weren't watching from outside... or seeping through the walls and quickly turned off my computer and ran and hid under my sheets.... where were these worms coming from and more importantly.. what did they want???
I've never been attacked by worms, or hacked into or whatever terminology you kids use these days but I felt vulnerable and scared. Not to mention that this stupid email that the Worms sent went out to all the companies I have applied for jobs to AND ex boyfriends - mah. How embarrassing.
So I changed my password, temporarily this morning. But I think it's time to switch to GMail. After over 10 years with hotmail, I think our relationship has finally gone sour.
Boo hoo. Dam you Worms!
It was emails coming through with out of office replies and I was thinking... WTF? As I looked at the content of the message that "I" sent I realised I had been attacked by Worms!
I looked all around me, checking that they weren't watching from outside... or seeping through the walls and quickly turned off my computer and ran and hid under my sheets.... where were these worms coming from and more importantly.. what did they want???
I've never been attacked by worms, or hacked into or whatever terminology you kids use these days but I felt vulnerable and scared. Not to mention that this stupid email that the Worms sent went out to all the companies I have applied for jobs to AND ex boyfriends - mah. How embarrassing.
So I changed my password, temporarily this morning. But I think it's time to switch to GMail. After over 10 years with hotmail, I think our relationship has finally gone sour.
Boo hoo. Dam you Worms!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Another Perfect Weekendo
Ah man. Why now, as I come into my last 8 weeks in Malaysia am I suddenly having SO much fun (as opposed to much fun)? It couldn't be because I'm returning to the land of Tea and unemployment - surely not? ;)
Probably in reality, is that I know things are coming to an end and I am appreciating every moment a hundred times over, than I normally would, soaking in every memory and jumping at every opportunity.
After a fun Friday night at the movies with a girlfriend (saw He's Just Not That Into You - possibly a girl's love life bible and very, very funny), Saturday came round full swing with the usual, gym, food shop, late lunch, coffee with friends combo.
In the evening I decided to have an "Un-Pink the Princess Palace" party, whereby I invited a bunch of my close friends over to help paint my bedroom from pink, back to white before I got my deposit taken away by my landlord.
My God. It was possibly one of the most fun and most treasured nights I have had with my friends here in KL. In a nutshell, my whole wall got completely graffitied with "memories" of KL by my friends, then we had the mandatory paint fight which involved us all recklessly screaming about my apartment (yelling "No! Don't get me!" But secretly like "heeheehee this is so much fun I love it") whilst faces were covered in paint and bodies were pasted white with the roller brushes. Whilst eating pizza. And drinking beer.
By 1am we had done three coats, were hyper and pissed. Eventually after shooing everyone out we went for makan-makan down at Devi's. It was probably one of the best nights I've ever had in KL, and the graffiti wall "gift" one that I'll never forget.
I think last night, hit a new level of what friendship really is, for me. You see, you don't need to always say how you feel, sometimes it's just the writing on the wall... ;)

Probably in reality, is that I know things are coming to an end and I am appreciating every moment a hundred times over, than I normally would, soaking in every memory and jumping at every opportunity.
After a fun Friday night at the movies with a girlfriend (saw He's Just Not That Into You - possibly a girl's love life bible and very, very funny), Saturday came round full swing with the usual, gym, food shop, late lunch, coffee with friends combo.
In the evening I decided to have an "Un-Pink the Princess Palace" party, whereby I invited a bunch of my close friends over to help paint my bedroom from pink, back to white before I got my deposit taken away by my landlord.
My God. It was possibly one of the most fun and most treasured nights I have had with my friends here in KL. In a nutshell, my whole wall got completely graffitied with "memories" of KL by my friends, then we had the mandatory paint fight which involved us all recklessly screaming about my apartment (yelling "No! Don't get me!" But secretly like "heeheehee this is so much fun I love it") whilst faces were covered in paint and bodies were pasted white with the roller brushes. Whilst eating pizza. And drinking beer.
By 1am we had done three coats, were hyper and pissed. Eventually after shooing everyone out we went for makan-makan down at Devi's. It was probably one of the best nights I've ever had in KL, and the graffiti wall "gift" one that I'll never forget.
I think last night, hit a new level of what friendship really is, for me. You see, you don't need to always say how you feel, sometimes it's just the writing on the wall... ;)
The Green Eyed Monster
Why is it that we can't take happiness in another's person joy or cherished moment?
On Friday, a young girl in my office had a dozen red roses delivered to her! She was absolutely overjoyed and smiling from ear to ear. As I walked into the office and saw them on her desk i was so so happy for her as she looked so in love and delighted. So I made a big fuss and said Wow! Who are they from (knowing full well that they were probably from her boyfriend) but wanted her to bask in her excitement some more :)
She looked up and told me they were indeed from her boyfriend and I said, is it your anniversary or a special occasion? And she said no, the card says just because he loves me. I smiled at her, she was ecstatic and I remembered how great a feeling it is to get flowers "just because" whether it's from a boyfriend or just a friend. Flowers make every girl smile. So i said, well isn't that just lovely hu?
But of course there is always one "sour puss" who just has to say something to knock you down from your pedestal. So this lady in my office, who is Malay, in her late 40's single and usually so bubbly and friendly (and who had totally been eavesdropping) turns around and says "ooooh a man doesn't send flowers "just because" he must have done something wrong - ho ho ho" The poor girl hesitantly smiled/ laughed it off and then her smile kinda drooped. And I just thought, you cow.
Whether its simply a joke or not, why do people who are so obviously jealous feel the need to do it? I simply don't understand it! No matter how crap you feel, just share their happiness, it's not hard for gawd's sake! Of course, I would walk away smiling for her and yeh, OK, you are gonna think awh, wish I'd get some (I did by the way, a single rose from Bombie last week - "just because") :)
So I turned to her and "jokingly" replied with - ooooooh somebody's jealous (with a wink) and she blushed and subsequently dropped the conversation and told the girl how lovely they smelt. I winked at the girl who smiled back gratefully and walked away.
Silly moose.
On Friday, a young girl in my office had a dozen red roses delivered to her! She was absolutely overjoyed and smiling from ear to ear. As I walked into the office and saw them on her desk i was so so happy for her as she looked so in love and delighted. So I made a big fuss and said Wow! Who are they from (knowing full well that they were probably from her boyfriend) but wanted her to bask in her excitement some more :)
She looked up and told me they were indeed from her boyfriend and I said, is it your anniversary or a special occasion? And she said no, the card says just because he loves me. I smiled at her, she was ecstatic and I remembered how great a feeling it is to get flowers "just because" whether it's from a boyfriend or just a friend. Flowers make every girl smile. So i said, well isn't that just lovely hu?
But of course there is always one "sour puss" who just has to say something to knock you down from your pedestal. So this lady in my office, who is Malay, in her late 40's single and usually so bubbly and friendly (and who had totally been eavesdropping) turns around and says "ooooh a man doesn't send flowers "just because" he must have done something wrong - ho ho ho" The poor girl hesitantly smiled/ laughed it off and then her smile kinda drooped. And I just thought, you cow.
Whether its simply a joke or not, why do people who are so obviously jealous feel the need to do it? I simply don't understand it! No matter how crap you feel, just share their happiness, it's not hard for gawd's sake! Of course, I would walk away smiling for her and yeh, OK, you are gonna think awh, wish I'd get some (I did by the way, a single rose from Bombie last week - "just because") :)
So I turned to her and "jokingly" replied with - ooooooh somebody's jealous (with a wink) and she blushed and subsequently dropped the conversation and told the girl how lovely they smelt. I winked at the girl who smiled back gratefully and walked away.
Silly moose.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Retard Central
I am officially a bona fied retardian.
Today I had to pay my tax clearence for 2008 (it was SO much - aiya!) and so after translating every Bahasa word to English I filled out the form and headed down to Maybank to pay.
I couldn't pay by card as I am with HSBC so i had to withdraw the money first. No problem, I thought. It's an ATM.
So off I went to get out my dollar, there was quite a queue as it was lunch time in the KLCC so I stood, gorming and thinking about my plans for the weekend and you know, this and that.
Then as I approached the ATM and it prompted me for my PIN I suddenly thought, shit, what is my pin number?? I stood there, feeling pressurised, lots of people were waiting to get cash, it's lunch you know, everyone is in a rush.
So I panicked.
Fuckety Fuck. What is it? So I put in a number which sounded kinda right in my head, but no, my card was rejected WRONG. Ooops. Fuck.
So I calmly, without even glancing at the line behind me tried another number (which in hindsight, I think was the same number i tried initially). WRONG!!! Dam it.
I was worried my card would get eaten up and with only 10 myr in my wallet I thought better of it by trying again. So i wondered off, aimlessly into MAC. I was scared and alone, I had no choice but to purchase the lipstick that had been out of stock for the last few weeks, I had to seek solitude and paid by credit card - which I only needed my signature for, not a pin. Thankfully, I remembered how to sign my own name.
And so I walked and walked and drank a smoothie (bought with my last few ringit), cursing myself over and over. What the fuck is wrong with me??? What is the number??? Two years I've had this same pin, TWO YEARS dammit.
As i mulled it over, wrote down various combinations of numbers in my phone, I finally thought, well this looks about right. The gut feeling said, Yes Bubs, it's right and so, I queued up again, the gents at the counter who had helped me with the tax form just half an hour ago, wondering why I was back. And possibly why my dress was inappropriately short.
So I typed it in **...*...*...** - I held my breath... Ta da! Got it.
And off I went to the counter and parted with all the cash I had just withdrawn. Realising that I was penniless, yet again. I was too afraid to take money out again.
I'll do it later. If I remember my pin...
Today I had to pay my tax clearence for 2008 (it was SO much - aiya!) and so after translating every Bahasa word to English I filled out the form and headed down to Maybank to pay.
I couldn't pay by card as I am with HSBC so i had to withdraw the money first. No problem, I thought. It's an ATM.
So off I went to get out my dollar, there was quite a queue as it was lunch time in the KLCC so I stood, gorming and thinking about my plans for the weekend and you know, this and that.
Then as I approached the ATM and it prompted me for my PIN I suddenly thought, shit, what is my pin number?? I stood there, feeling pressurised, lots of people were waiting to get cash, it's lunch you know, everyone is in a rush.
So I panicked.
Fuckety Fuck. What is it? So I put in a number which sounded kinda right in my head, but no, my card was rejected WRONG. Ooops. Fuck.
So I calmly, without even glancing at the line behind me tried another number (which in hindsight, I think was the same number i tried initially). WRONG!!! Dam it.
I was worried my card would get eaten up and with only 10 myr in my wallet I thought better of it by trying again. So i wondered off, aimlessly into MAC. I was scared and alone, I had no choice but to purchase the lipstick that had been out of stock for the last few weeks, I had to seek solitude and paid by credit card - which I only needed my signature for, not a pin. Thankfully, I remembered how to sign my own name.
And so I walked and walked and drank a smoothie (bought with my last few ringit), cursing myself over and over. What the fuck is wrong with me??? What is the number??? Two years I've had this same pin, TWO YEARS dammit.
As i mulled it over, wrote down various combinations of numbers in my phone, I finally thought, well this looks about right. The gut feeling said, Yes Bubs, it's right and so, I queued up again, the gents at the counter who had helped me with the tax form just half an hour ago, wondering why I was back. And possibly why my dress was inappropriately short.
So I typed it in **...*...*...** - I held my breath... Ta da! Got it.
And off I went to the counter and parted with all the cash I had just withdrawn. Realising that I was penniless, yet again. I was too afraid to take money out again.
I'll do it later. If I remember my pin...
Place your bet on Death
My colleague rang this morning to say she was running late because there was a car accident - which is, normal to do. As NB is away and she is employed under him, she reports to me. She is a crazy Malay lady who lived in the UK for many years.
Anyway, as I was about to hang up she yelps - so do you want the registration plate number? I thought heck, what? Then i remembered, Malaysians are real sick - if there is an accident, they believe it "lucky" to take down the car registration number and use it for their lottery numbers - can you believe it??
I said, "Honestly, you are putting Malaysians to shame by saying that to me!" and she just laughed it off and said, "we can't get the jackpot though as I couldn't get the registration for the other car!"
When she arrived in the office she ran around like a bunny on Duracell batteries asking all my colleagues if they wanted to put in 20 bucks. She asked me and I smiled and said no, that is COMPLETELY against my morals as a human being! Everyone laughed and then I slyly said, but if you do win, pass me 10% yeh?
Anyway, as I was about to hang up she yelps - so do you want the registration plate number? I thought heck, what? Then i remembered, Malaysians are real sick - if there is an accident, they believe it "lucky" to take down the car registration number and use it for their lottery numbers - can you believe it??
I said, "Honestly, you are putting Malaysians to shame by saying that to me!" and she just laughed it off and said, "we can't get the jackpot though as I couldn't get the registration for the other car!"
When she arrived in the office she ran around like a bunny on Duracell batteries asking all my colleagues if they wanted to put in 20 bucks. She asked me and I smiled and said no, that is COMPLETELY against my morals as a human being! Everyone laughed and then I slyly said, but if you do win, pass me 10% yeh?
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Vaginally challenged
You know i said yesterday how men were the lowest of my priorities? Well I think I was lying. I actually just messaged Mada to come on line so I could try and sexualise him over MSN. I'm horny and alone. It failed miserably, poor boy, I think he's freaking out about my return and what will happen.
I actually couldn't give a monkeys, I just want to be devoured!
Ended up discussing female ejaculation with BD on line instead. She was miffed by it too. I'm sorry, but I only know one human person who does it and one TV character (Samantha in SATC) now suddenly, after a random conversation late night in my car the other night with Bombies and Kiwi, apparently the WHOLE world's female population are ejaculating left, right and centre.
There is some serious civil unrest in my Vagina. I must get to the bottom of this.
I actually couldn't give a monkeys, I just want to be devoured!
Ended up discussing female ejaculation with BD on line instead. She was miffed by it too. I'm sorry, but I only know one human person who does it and one TV character (Samantha in SATC) now suddenly, after a random conversation late night in my car the other night with Bombies and Kiwi, apparently the WHOLE world's female population are ejaculating left, right and centre.
There is some serious civil unrest in my Vagina. I must get to the bottom of this.
Nah. Never did :P
And when you go I will remember
I must remember to say...
I never really loved you anyway
No I didnt love you anyway
I never really loved you anyway
I never really loved you anyway
I never loved you anyway
No I didnt love you anyway
Never truly loved you anyway
Im so happy youre moving away
Yeah Im delighted youre moving away
I must remember to say...
I never really loved you anyway
No I didnt love you anyway
I never really loved you anyway
I never really loved you anyway
I never loved you anyway
No I didnt love you anyway
Never truly loved you anyway
Im so happy youre moving away
Yeah Im delighted youre moving away
That'll teach ya!
I needed to venture down to the China Embassy this morning to organise my visa for Beijing. I looked up where it was on a google map and it seemed to be a fair way down Jalan Ampang. So I decided to take a cab as I figured, by the time I take the LRT and walk it will take a lot longer.
I waved for a cab outside my office and jumped in and said "on the metre, yeh?" but of course, the lousy Indian said 10 myr. 10 myr to Jalan Ampang?? That's pricey, but I couldn't be arsed to argue as well, I'm over fighting out 5 myr here and there. You never win and it's just too much time and effort. By the time you eventually agree to disagree and hail down another taxi you're only going to have the same argument with the next one - whether it be Malay, Chinese or Indian!
Once a driver tried to charge me 30 from my apartment to the BSC - that should cost about 4 myr. Honestly...
Anyway, so I agreed fine, couldn't even be arsed with a sarcastic reply. He didn't know where it was but I had written it down - 229 Jalan Ampang and directed him. As he blabbered away on his phone, paying no attention whatsoever I kept an eye out for the embassy along the road side whilst spotting the Thai Embassy which had a HUGE queue outside (which is crazy, given the political unrest there at present).
Eventually I said, you've obviously missed it, turn around. So we did and the driver was convinced that it was at the Bank of China. I was beginning to doubt myself and said, well, you should know better than me lets try. So we drove back towards KL (by this time we'd been driving about for a good 20 mins) and as it transpired, he was right (dam it, i hate being wrong). As I got out i passed him the 10 myr note and he looked at me and said "only 10 lor??"
and my reply...?
"Well you wanted to go off the metre."
I smiled sweetly and jumped out.
Don't hate the player, hate the game ;)
I waved for a cab outside my office and jumped in and said "on the metre, yeh?" but of course, the lousy Indian said 10 myr. 10 myr to Jalan Ampang?? That's pricey, but I couldn't be arsed to argue as well, I'm over fighting out 5 myr here and there. You never win and it's just too much time and effort. By the time you eventually agree to disagree and hail down another taxi you're only going to have the same argument with the next one - whether it be Malay, Chinese or Indian!
Once a driver tried to charge me 30 from my apartment to the BSC - that should cost about 4 myr. Honestly...
Anyway, so I agreed fine, couldn't even be arsed with a sarcastic reply. He didn't know where it was but I had written it down - 229 Jalan Ampang and directed him. As he blabbered away on his phone, paying no attention whatsoever I kept an eye out for the embassy along the road side whilst spotting the Thai Embassy which had a HUGE queue outside (which is crazy, given the political unrest there at present).
Eventually I said, you've obviously missed it, turn around. So we did and the driver was convinced that it was at the Bank of China. I was beginning to doubt myself and said, well, you should know better than me lets try. So we drove back towards KL (by this time we'd been driving about for a good 20 mins) and as it transpired, he was right (dam it, i hate being wrong). As I got out i passed him the 10 myr note and he looked at me and said "only 10 lor??"
and my reply...?
"Well you wanted to go off the metre."
I smiled sweetly and jumped out.
Don't hate the player, hate the game ;)
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
This one's a shocker
OK OK OK so I'm a reality TV fanatic. But I have to post this because:
1) It's Ant & Dec - my favourite UK TV personalities
2) It's reality TV at it's best
3) It made me smile so much and my hairs stand on end (perhaps even more so than Adam Lambert but not in a i-wanna-shag-you way - obviously)
(no embedding option on U tube :( booooo)
1) It's Ant & Dec - my favourite UK TV personalities
2) It's reality TV at it's best
3) It made me smile so much and my hairs stand on end (perhaps even more so than Adam Lambert but not in a i-wanna-shag-you way - obviously)
(no embedding option on U tube :( booooo)
Born to be WILD
Oh Lordy Lordy. I just watched American Idol. I think, THINK, I just might like to do the naughty with Adam Lambert. I mean yes he's gay, but seriously, who wouldn't???
This guy's talent is unbelievable... hit me baby, hit me with your rhythm stick!
And just to get your hairs standing on end.... sigh....
courtesy of www.youtube.com
This guy's talent is unbelievable... hit me baby, hit me with your rhythm stick!
And just to get your hairs standing on end.... sigh....
courtesy of www.youtube.com
Give it to me!
Why do we always want, what we can't have? Even when it is readily available, we don't necessarily want it. It's only when it is taken away or denied from us then suddenly, we have this overwhelming urge to have it, own it, become it.
For once, I'm not talking about men. Despite the fact that there are several men I wouldn't mind hopping on the good foot and doing the bad thing with at present (i was about to write in a spooky voice "you know who you are" But actually, I'm not sure you do...), they really are, at the bottom of my priority these days. I never thought I'd hear myself say that.
No, I'm talking about food. Food, food, FOOD. Dammit, I wanna eat.
Not only am I restricted to soft foods (such as bread soaked in soup, porridge (had it at Jalan Pudu last night - yum!) wheetbix and fruit smoothies) thanks to my braces, but I have also chosen to cut down my intake of food, in reaction to my blog of becoming suicidal over gaining 5K in 4 months.
The thing is, it seems like suddenly you deny yourself of that yummy apple multi grain muffin in Starbucks, those teeny tiny m&m's in 7-11, that take-my-breath-away cheesecake at the coffee shop and suddenly all you can think about is the sweet taste of the muffin crumbling into your mouth, the m&m's melting on your tongue the strawberry sweetness of the cheesecake tantalising your taste buds - argh!!
And so, I sit in my office, at my desk, drinking a can of coke light, knowing full well that when I meet Manc for dinner later, I will, undoubtedly share a slice of cheesecake with her at Delicious. Besides, it's soft, there isn't much else on the menu I could eat anyway :P
For once, I'm not talking about men. Despite the fact that there are several men I wouldn't mind hopping on the good foot and doing the bad thing with at present (i was about to write in a spooky voice "you know who you are" But actually, I'm not sure you do...), they really are, at the bottom of my priority these days. I never thought I'd hear myself say that.
No, I'm talking about food. Food, food, FOOD. Dammit, I wanna eat.
Not only am I restricted to soft foods (such as bread soaked in soup, porridge (had it at Jalan Pudu last night - yum!) wheetbix and fruit smoothies) thanks to my braces, but I have also chosen to cut down my intake of food, in reaction to my blog of becoming suicidal over gaining 5K in 4 months.
The thing is, it seems like suddenly you deny yourself of that yummy apple multi grain muffin in Starbucks, those teeny tiny m&m's in 7-11, that take-my-breath-away cheesecake at the coffee shop and suddenly all you can think about is the sweet taste of the muffin crumbling into your mouth, the m&m's melting on your tongue the strawberry sweetness of the cheesecake tantalising your taste buds - argh!!
And so, I sit in my office, at my desk, drinking a can of coke light, knowing full well that when I meet Manc for dinner later, I will, undoubtedly share a slice of cheesecake with her at Delicious. Besides, it's soft, there isn't much else on the menu I could eat anyway :P
Monday, April 13, 2009
Hammy The Hamster
I haven't spoken in 4 hours.
The insides of my cheeks are ripped to shreds. It burns. Ooooooh it burns. When I do utter the odd word or two, I sound like I have a sock in my mouth. My cheeks are extraordinarily pink (even more so than usual, I didn't even need to apply blusher today). You could probably fry an egg on my cheeks, one each side, they are so hot.
I'm hungry, but I couldn't even finish my coffee. It's staring at me, half empty, and sad. "please sip me" it whispers.... "please". In that sweet little latte voice it does.
I look like a miserable hamster.
Feel sorry for me.... please... (I'm giving you the puppy dog eyes/ miserable hamster pout combo look)....
The insides of my cheeks are ripped to shreds. It burns. Ooooooh it burns. When I do utter the odd word or two, I sound like I have a sock in my mouth. My cheeks are extraordinarily pink (even more so than usual, I didn't even need to apply blusher today). You could probably fry an egg on my cheeks, one each side, they are so hot.
I'm hungry, but I couldn't even finish my coffee. It's staring at me, half empty, and sad. "please sip me" it whispers.... "please". In that sweet little latte voice it does.
I look like a miserable hamster.
Feel sorry for me.... please... (I'm giving you the puppy dog eyes/ miserable hamster pout combo look)....
Sunday, April 12, 2009
For the record
I can honestly say I've had the perfect weekend. This is what a perfect weekend sounds like:
Friday -
Finish up quite late from work but feel good that there are no major issues outstanding for Monday which results in a less stressed feeling over the weekend.
Quick dash round the food shops so that it doesn't interupt my weekend and am set up for the next week.
Chill out at home, watching SATC, reading trashy mags, bed.
Saturday -
Up early(ish) yummy breakfast of fruit smoothie and wheetbix. Applied for two jobs.
Spinning (RPM) Class, chat with friends at the gym
Get ready to go out with music blaring.
Dinner with friends, a few cocktails.
Clubbing with awesome music and randoms who i don't usually party with.
Horrifically drunk (but not the point of losing all self dignity, but shameful enough that you smile/ grimace the next day).
Sunday -
Up early(ish) for Church. Horrifically hungover. Heart palpatating from numerous cigaretes (BAD Bubs!) Could have done with the lie in but it's Easter Sunday ;)
Church - a good service today which I enjoyed but again, left me with general wonderingments, as usual.
Dim Sum for lunch - awesome. With close friends.
Home via Bangsar. Picked up a few chick flicks and a DVD holder. And ice cream, to help sooth my cheeks from the mouth ulcers :):)
Home. Lounge about on sofa with tub of ice cream, DVD on, sat and orgnaised my DVD's as they were kinda everywhere.
Uploaded pics to FB from weekend. Tidied up a bit as apartment looked like a bombed whore house.
Made a quick dinner, small sandwich, as not hungry.
Updated blog whilst washed bedsheets as they smell of cigarettes and sweat from the night before - nice.
Will book my flight to HK and hotel in Beijing momentarily.
Will turn off computer so am not tempted to go on internet wasting time.
Get into hot bath with my really good book I'm reading at mo (whilst washing some work clothes as have none clean - eek!) Will have lots of bubbles and dream that a nice sexy man is in there with me.
Get into bed by 10.30 and call BD for a quick catch up.
Sleep by 11 I hope for a fresh week ahead.
Friday -
Finish up quite late from work but feel good that there are no major issues outstanding for Monday which results in a less stressed feeling over the weekend.
Quick dash round the food shops so that it doesn't interupt my weekend and am set up for the next week.
Chill out at home, watching SATC, reading trashy mags, bed.
Saturday -
Up early(ish) yummy breakfast of fruit smoothie and wheetbix. Applied for two jobs.
Spinning (RPM) Class, chat with friends at the gym
Get ready to go out with music blaring.
Dinner with friends, a few cocktails.
Clubbing with awesome music and randoms who i don't usually party with.
Horrifically drunk (but not the point of losing all self dignity, but shameful enough that you smile/ grimace the next day).
Sunday -
Up early(ish) for Church. Horrifically hungover. Heart palpatating from numerous cigaretes (BAD Bubs!) Could have done with the lie in but it's Easter Sunday ;)
Church - a good service today which I enjoyed but again, left me with general wonderingments, as usual.
Dim Sum for lunch - awesome. With close friends.
Home via Bangsar. Picked up a few chick flicks and a DVD holder. And ice cream, to help sooth my cheeks from the mouth ulcers :):)
Home. Lounge about on sofa with tub of ice cream, DVD on, sat and orgnaised my DVD's as they were kinda everywhere.
Uploaded pics to FB from weekend. Tidied up a bit as apartment looked like a bombed whore house.
Made a quick dinner, small sandwich, as not hungry.
Updated blog whilst washed bedsheets as they smell of cigarettes and sweat from the night before - nice.
Will book my flight to HK and hotel in Beijing momentarily.
Will turn off computer so am not tempted to go on internet wasting time.
Get into hot bath with my really good book I'm reading at mo (whilst washing some work clothes as have none clean - eek!) Will have lots of bubbles and dream that a nice sexy man is in there with me.
Get into bed by 10.30 and call BD for a quick catch up.
Sleep by 11 I hope for a fresh week ahead.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Again, I'm freaked out...
3 months in a row and she continues to write the stars, based on my life! Hahaha. Seriously though, WTF?
April will be a big month for your career. Mars is still brilliantly lighting your tenth sector of fame and honors (tenth house), a wonderful situation that began last month on March 15 and that continues now. You will have until April 22 to make your mark, for after that, energetic Mars will move on to light another part of your chart. It'll be easy to get addicted to all the career activity and warmth of Mars, but don't take him for granted - you'll find it easier to make progress now than at any other time in 2009. Give career projects and goals all you've got while the Sun shines for you.
If you want a new job, you need to be out planting seeds. If you enjoy the job you have, you have a superb chance for a promotion or to see fulfillment on a project you've been working on over a long period. If you have your own business, you may want to launch a publicity or advertising campaign, as your timing would be right and you'd see results. You may also bring in a major piece of new business now, so concentrate on pitching! Remember, you will have Mars at your side only until April 22.
April will be a big month for your career. Mars is still brilliantly lighting your tenth sector of fame and honors (tenth house), a wonderful situation that began last month on March 15 and that continues now. You will have until April 22 to make your mark, for after that, energetic Mars will move on to light another part of your chart. It'll be easy to get addicted to all the career activity and warmth of Mars, but don't take him for granted - you'll find it easier to make progress now than at any other time in 2009. Give career projects and goals all you've got while the Sun shines for you.
If you want a new job, you need to be out planting seeds. If you enjoy the job you have, you have a superb chance for a promotion or to see fulfillment on a project you've been working on over a long period. If you have your own business, you may want to launch a publicity or advertising campaign, as your timing would be right and you'd see results. You may also bring in a major piece of new business now, so concentrate on pitching! Remember, you will have Mars at your side only until April 22.
Chillin me boots
Ah! I love that I have decided to start blogging again, i missed you! I just wanna blog blog blog all day.
It's Friday night and I'm having a relaxing start to the weekend - no real plans. Which is actually just what I fancy for a change. You must think I'm crazy, I'm leaving this country in like, a matter of weeks and yet I'm chilling on my sofa at home, watching trashy TV and browsing through magazines. I love my me time, I hate being alone, but i live for my 'me' time.
Today started out great, I called H at 8 am on my way to work as we hadn't had a skype 'date' in yonkers and he is going away for a couple of weeks. Just speaking to him and hearing his enthusiastic voice all over the phone put a massive smile on my face and set me up for the day. Best friends, no matter what country they live in, rock my world.
I breezed through the morning at work and at lunch went for another dreaded dentist appointment - when will it end? Soon evidently. My little dental genius told me (in layman's terms) that if i stopped fucking about with my elastics and got on and wore them, then the braces just might be off by the time i leave - big cheesey smile! Then, he proceeded to put four brackets on my four teeth at the back that have been brace free for 8 months. Mother fucker, my cheeks are as hot as a bitch on heat and the inside of my mouth feels like its been shredded by a cheese grater. You get the gist. It better be fucking worth it that's all I'm saying!
I worked til 7.30 because I wanted to - how insane. I went food shopping, the usual - 3 cartons of milk, a bottle of orange juice (no added sugar), a loaf of wholemeal bread,half a dozen yacult, 24 pack of wheetabix, 2 potatoes, block of cheese, a bundle of fruit and veg and a six pack of diet coke. LOL. I can actually do my food shopping in 10 mins flat. By 9 i was lying on my sofa with an ice pack on my face.
I met with uh oh, need a name, need a name.... i met with Kiwi - haha so predictable, last night to discuss our Vietnam trip. He's having a shite old time with love and life and we talked more about that than the trip but to be honest, I didn't mind - 1 because i genuinely cared and secondly it was a nice change to hang out with someone different. Vietnam sounds like it's gonna be awesome, we're gonna rough it, train it and be breezy. It's been a while since i let go, i'm looking forward to spending a week with a mate who i barely know, who i find relatively :P entertaining and is happy to go through the motions with me.
I feel very content, its all very weird this "breezyness" that is taking over me. But, as it always is with me, its a controlled breezyness. Now, I've nearly sorted out my schedule up until I move to the UK the next step is finding the job. I must, must, MUST motivate myself to at least do SOMETHING productive this weekend and next. After that, things are gonna pick up. But secretly I kinda love this limbo time, life has been one big fat race for so long, I'm enjoying just living in the moment but I guess i do have to be moderately realistic and start planning now.... I'm sure i said this in my blog about two months ago. And yes Bombie, I know you're reading this with a smirk on your face and an eyebrow raised - II'll get there OK, I'm boardering on arriving now! haha. Tomorrow. Tomorrow.
Think I'm gonna get some shut eye so i can get up early and um, OK, OK, I'll job hunt. Dam you conscience. I'm naming you Jiminey Cricket (JC) from now on. You're so green, and spritely, and positive and upbeat... I guess i can do that too... if i simply HAVE too :P
Good night and God bless.
It's Friday night and I'm having a relaxing start to the weekend - no real plans. Which is actually just what I fancy for a change. You must think I'm crazy, I'm leaving this country in like, a matter of weeks and yet I'm chilling on my sofa at home, watching trashy TV and browsing through magazines. I love my me time, I hate being alone, but i live for my 'me' time.
Today started out great, I called H at 8 am on my way to work as we hadn't had a skype 'date' in yonkers and he is going away for a couple of weeks. Just speaking to him and hearing his enthusiastic voice all over the phone put a massive smile on my face and set me up for the day. Best friends, no matter what country they live in, rock my world.
I breezed through the morning at work and at lunch went for another dreaded dentist appointment - when will it end? Soon evidently. My little dental genius told me (in layman's terms) that if i stopped fucking about with my elastics and got on and wore them, then the braces just might be off by the time i leave - big cheesey smile! Then, he proceeded to put four brackets on my four teeth at the back that have been brace free for 8 months. Mother fucker, my cheeks are as hot as a bitch on heat and the inside of my mouth feels like its been shredded by a cheese grater. You get the gist. It better be fucking worth it that's all I'm saying!
I worked til 7.30 because I wanted to - how insane. I went food shopping, the usual - 3 cartons of milk, a bottle of orange juice (no added sugar), a loaf of wholemeal bread,half a dozen yacult, 24 pack of wheetabix, 2 potatoes, block of cheese, a bundle of fruit and veg and a six pack of diet coke. LOL. I can actually do my food shopping in 10 mins flat. By 9 i was lying on my sofa with an ice pack on my face.
I met with uh oh, need a name, need a name.... i met with Kiwi - haha so predictable, last night to discuss our Vietnam trip. He's having a shite old time with love and life and we talked more about that than the trip but to be honest, I didn't mind - 1 because i genuinely cared and secondly it was a nice change to hang out with someone different. Vietnam sounds like it's gonna be awesome, we're gonna rough it, train it and be breezy. It's been a while since i let go, i'm looking forward to spending a week with a mate who i barely know, who i find relatively :P entertaining and is happy to go through the motions with me.
I feel very content, its all very weird this "breezyness" that is taking over me. But, as it always is with me, its a controlled breezyness. Now, I've nearly sorted out my schedule up until I move to the UK the next step is finding the job. I must, must, MUST motivate myself to at least do SOMETHING productive this weekend and next. After that, things are gonna pick up. But secretly I kinda love this limbo time, life has been one big fat race for so long, I'm enjoying just living in the moment but I guess i do have to be moderately realistic and start planning now.... I'm sure i said this in my blog about two months ago. And yes Bombie, I know you're reading this with a smirk on your face and an eyebrow raised - II'll get there OK, I'm boardering on arriving now! haha. Tomorrow. Tomorrow.
Think I'm gonna get some shut eye so i can get up early and um, OK, OK, I'll job hunt. Dam you conscience. I'm naming you Jiminey Cricket (JC) from now on. You're so green, and spritely, and positive and upbeat... I guess i can do that too... if i simply HAVE too :P
Good night and God bless.
What I Wrote My Mother....
Sent my Ma a copy of my flight details back to LDN....
Woho - your daughter is official returning to the Mutherland :)
BEHOLD the golden (one way) ticket below!
And managed to get herself a sneaky 25kg weight allowance on her luggage ;)
SMILE your days of blissful silence, where TV's are not left on, lights are switched off appropriately, fridge is full, music isn't blaring days are officially over - I bet you just CAN'T WAIT!!!
:) lots of love,
Your charming, beautiful, one-in-a-million Daughter,
(The one in Malaysia in case you were unsure who i was referring to).
Thursday, April 9, 2009
OOoooh Spooky!
Mah. Trying to book my ONE WAY ticket to the UK and Malaysia Airlines website keeps saying "a programme error has occured" a programme error? HHhhhhmmmm is it a sign...? Or maybe, just maybe, there is indeed, a programme error :P
Was trying to decide whether to take the morning flight or the late night flight. A part of me thought the morning flight, that way I can just get up and go, but then the other half (because I am a geminin you see, we don't have one single decision, we always have two to consider) thinks that it would be nice to get up on my last day and try and give everyone one last hug. You know, cry, look like shit, become mentally unstable etc.
Then I can take a leisurely drive up to KLIA later. A friend has offered to take me up there and bid me farewell, which is a lovely gesture, but I wonder if it will all be just too emotional, I might just drive myself. The last drive, with my music blarring, speeding down the highway into my new life.
That's if I manage to actually get a ticket out of here!
Was trying to decide whether to take the morning flight or the late night flight. A part of me thought the morning flight, that way I can just get up and go, but then the other half (because I am a geminin you see, we don't have one single decision, we always have two to consider) thinks that it would be nice to get up on my last day and try and give everyone one last hug. You know, cry, look like shit, become mentally unstable etc.
Then I can take a leisurely drive up to KLIA later. A friend has offered to take me up there and bid me farewell, which is a lovely gesture, but I wonder if it will all be just too emotional, I might just drive myself. The last drive, with my music blarring, speeding down the highway into my new life.
That's if I manage to actually get a ticket out of here!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
The New Chapter Has Arrived
Boo! Scared ya hu? :)
Time to start blogging again. Finally had a few weeks to get my head straight and things are progressing well. I leave my job in less than two months and have so much planned in the up coming weeks its untrue!
- Went to Perth the weekend before last to visit Shrek and have time out, it was just what I needed.
- Last weekend took a day trip to Cherating with "The Crew" was a blast. Got burnt.
- Have organized an un-pink party for my friends to help paint my apartment back white in two weeks time. So far the girls are game and no reply from the boys. I don't understand why - slave labour but yet they get free pizza and beer - what more could you ask for?
- Trying to squeeze in a trip to either Kuching or Penang here. Funds are being drained drastically and the clock is ticking.
- Langkawi weekend trip booked up with the same crew. One particular person I would like to join is not. Am working on this.
- 15k Pacesetters run the weekend after - just for fun. You know how it is.
- Trip to Bejing the week after to see some crumbling old wall.
- Finish work waho the week after
- Off to Vietnam to rough it up with a mate, hopefully popping by Laos and Chang Mai if we have time
- Over to HK to celebrate my Birthday for the weekend
- Flying home sweet home on the 18th June (not yet booked yet, will do it Thursday)
And that my friends is why it was worth working my arse off for 3 and a half years. Wouldn't you agree?
Now all I need to do is find myself one of those job-thingy-magigs everyone talks about. Hhhhmmm. So how?
Time to start blogging again. Finally had a few weeks to get my head straight and things are progressing well. I leave my job in less than two months and have so much planned in the up coming weeks its untrue!
- Went to Perth the weekend before last to visit Shrek and have time out, it was just what I needed.
- Last weekend took a day trip to Cherating with "The Crew" was a blast. Got burnt.
- Have organized an un-pink party for my friends to help paint my apartment back white in two weeks time. So far the girls are game and no reply from the boys. I don't understand why - slave labour but yet they get free pizza and beer - what more could you ask for?
- Trying to squeeze in a trip to either Kuching or Penang here. Funds are being drained drastically and the clock is ticking.
- Langkawi weekend trip booked up with the same crew. One particular person I would like to join is not. Am working on this.
- 15k Pacesetters run the weekend after - just for fun. You know how it is.
- Trip to Bejing the week after to see some crumbling old wall.
- Finish work waho the week after
- Off to Vietnam to rough it up with a mate, hopefully popping by Laos and Chang Mai if we have time
- Over to HK to celebrate my Birthday for the weekend
- Flying home sweet home on the 18th June (not yet booked yet, will do it Thursday)
And that my friends is why it was worth working my arse off for 3 and a half years. Wouldn't you agree?
Now all I need to do is find myself one of those job-thingy-magigs everyone talks about. Hhhhmmm. So how?
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About Me

- Bubs
- Surrey, United Kingdom
- "I have found that if a problem rears its head, the best way to deal with it is by being highly emotional, inconsistent and super irrational and the problem tends to go away..."