I'm a little distressed, following my dental appointment this afternoon. Firstly I mentioned to my dentist how bad the ulcers had been, he kinda laughed it off but then went he put the mirror/ stick thing in my mouth his face was pure classic: shock. He was like "oh my god, I'm so sorry" I was like, er, what? You see the pain was pretty much unbearable, I hardly ate solids for a week and was in agony talking for about 6-7 days. My cheeks were swollen and all, but I thought maybe it was me being pathetic and not having a high enough pain threshold. How wrong was I?
He said he needed to put some sterile solution on them before they became infected and then sealed it over with this banana tasting weird stuff that initially made my whole body do that "scrunch up" thing (you know where you curl your toes, fist your fingers and scrunch your nose) as it was so stingy but then aaaaaah relief. I can't even feel the open wounds now. Thank God.
He said I should have come and seen him and that my mouth was literally all ripped up and white and pusy all along the insides of my cheeks, right at the top of my jaw where I couldn't stretch my cheeks to see. I mean I knew it was bad but i guess I couldn't see right where he could with the mirror. He just kept apologising over and over and I was like, well, um, well there you go. Kinda thing.
He shaved the edges of my canine teeth as they kept knocking funnily and now when I bite my teeth sit perfectly (along the back sides) together. He is desperately trying to finish the correction of the overbite and get some stability in my jaw. As it seems each time I bite down my jaw kinda wobbles and will go one way and then another. That's why my jaw always dislocates itself (well it did do before the braces, anyway). So he has added these new elastics "rabbit elastics" ergh, even the name makes me cringe. Worse still they've in like an upside down triangle shape on my two teeth top teeth (next to the middle ones) and lower canine. It looks fucking awful. He told me (cheekily) that I can take them out for "events" and smiled. Grrrr you arsehole. At least it's only 8 more weeks... 8 and fingers crossed it will be over.
I don't want to rush the ending and not having them look as perfect as they could be, but at the same time, knowing that I'm returning to the UK for a fresh start and what with all the hassle (see passport for life entry - haha) with seeing the dentist there I'd love for it all to just be done and dusted. I've asked for them to be laser whitened too, the day they come off - then i really will have a Hollywood smile :) But again, it's all about the funds.... I'll try and work it out. I just have to be so careful I don't touch my savings, I really want to get my life moving forward and I need those savings for that to happen.
I came out of the clinic and immediately called Bombie, she was in the office and had her serious office voice on so i just blabbered away about how traumatic my life was and tried to make it a comparison to the time she had her double eyelid surgery. She shot me down in one blast - biatch! It worked though ;)
Got back to the office and ate (without them in) at least i can actually eat now - horary! I put them back in after eating, and then my colleague told me, don't worry, you just look like you ate a really cheesy pizza and that there is still some dangling between your teeth. Well thanks. That is really, really reassuring.
No wonder kids are so traumatized by braces. If I had to hear comments like that when I was 12, I'd have probably never have eaten pizza (or cheese, for that matter) again, for the rest of my life.
~ my juicy lips.. pwaaaah
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