About a year a go, a friend (who i considered to be once, very close to)"removed" me as a friend. How might you ask, can someone "remove" you as a friend? Did she phase you out? Stop texting you? Never call? Never join you for a drink at Starbucks? Well, yes, all of those things, but then, one day (whilst facebook stalking her) I realised, I had been removed, deleted, erased.
At the time I was completely upset by the matter, but truth be told, the girl had been acting kinda strangely and there were some things going on in her life which I believe lead her to disconnect herself from not only me, but many people in her life. So after some time, I built my bride, cried the river and got over it. Done and dusted.
But just the other day I too had reason to remove a "friend". I put friend in inverted commas because it was a guy I met about 3 and a half years ago when I first moved to Hong Kong. We met through an Ex-pat Group and hung out maybe a few times (a few nights out on the piss, bowling with a group of friends, maybe a hike and a coffee) and then he moved back to the UK.
Of course, about 6 months later Facebook evolved and soon people from her, there, past, present, contacted me to be a "friend". So initially, like most people, I was suddenly "friends" with people from school who I hadn't seen in 5 years, girls from my dance school, who I hadn't seen for 10, long distant family members I had never even met... (whoooole other story). And of course, the HK chappy, requested to add me and I so kindly obliged by "accepting".
Over the last few years he would occasionally write on my wall, comment on a photo or status which was fine, but after a while it began to annoy me. Comments like "oh how i miss your lovely smile" when I thought to myself, do you really, actually miss my smile? I mean, do you actually sit and think "Gosh, I really miss her smile today". I probably never even smiled at you anyway! And making strange comments on my status about my personal life which to be fair, he knew nothing about, was kinda.. icky.
So I thought to myself, do you know what, I'll just delete him as a friend, whilst "filtering" my friends last week, and removing people I have now realised probably only added me to have a nose in the first place. So I did it. I thought he probably wouldn't notice. I mean, I have over 300 friends, I really wouldn't notice if someone I hadn't seen in years didn't come up on my news feed. Well, now I have filtered, they wouldn't be on there anyway.
But low and behold this morning I have a friend request, from HIM with a personal message that reads "You deleted me. Sniff sniff :(". WTF?
Firstly, I realise he must have actually been stalking me (as suspected) to notice that I deleted him within a few days of doing so and secondly, why would you reduce yourself to asking someone to re-add you AFTER they have deleted you?
Now, you may be thinking "what a complete bitch" but truth be told, I don't really care what you think but now of course i am stuck with what to do. Do I message him back and say, look, i found some of the things you wrote on my facebook a bit insulting/ weird/ rude/ stalkeresque OR do I re-add him with a "Whoops! My bad!" and add him with a privacy setting so he can never comment again (dammit, should have done that the first time round!) OR do I just ignore his request??
In reality (yes, the real world, where real friendships actually exist where you can't just DELETE some one with the click of a button, try as you might) the chances of me seeing him ever again are slim to none and, I don't WANT to BE his friend... so how?
Please advise. How would you feel if someone you only met half a dozen times and will never see again DELETED you? Quite frankly, I couldn't give a toss. Am I a bitch? Yeh, maybe.
Nah, you're not a bitch. He was clearly weird and stalking you in order to notice that you'd deleted him (or he only had, like, 5 friends). I'd be inclined not to reply (I recently removed a "friend" myself and, if he messaged me, I wouldn't reply). but, if you feel that you should, then why not reply and say you were having a FB 'spring-clean' and you're sorry if you offended him but you've decided not to publicise as much of your life and therefore only close friends and family are on your FB now (although that could backfire if he is friends with someone else who you don't know that well but are still FB friends with...hmmm). Whatever you do, don't be guilted in to re-adding him!
Thank you for your comment "Adorably Clueless" ;)
I quite like you're idea of letting him know I am changing my settings to close friends only, I will check our "mutual" friends first - good thinking!
You're Blogger name reminds me of this film I once saw... I think it was a murder mystery...
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