Friday, January 23, 2009

Things i like about you.

My Birth Chart arrived yesterday, Manc excited me into getting one done the other night when I stayed at her place. I've only skim read it so far and intend to read through it thoroughly now but it triggered a reminder in my head.

When it was my Birthday last year BD sent me an email and it was a list of all the things about me that she liked and it was possibly one of the most beautiful things any friend has ever done for me. The birth chart may tell me about me and I know, I'm going to be captivated by it but nothing beats the understanding that your best friend has of you.

So for a personal keepsake, here it is:

I like how you instantly brighten up a room when you walk into it
I like that you make me laugh
I like the way you write your emails in such a descriptive way
I like that you're so caring and thoughtful of other people's feelings
I like that you help me with make-up and don't make me feel like an incompetent retard :-)
I like that you are funny
I like that you say the things that everyone is thinking but would never, ever say
I like that you bring out my silly side and I can act like idiot and not actually care about it
I like that you take pride in your appearance but without being a barbie or looking like a WAG
I like that you rise to a challenge
I like that you are good with people
I like your cool and quirky apartment
I like that you're so adventurous (and am jealous of all the cool stuff you've done that I could never do)
I like that your clothes always look so well put-together
I like that you are a bit dramatic sometimes
I like that you are so welcoming to everyone you meet
I like that you will try new things
I like that you will tell people you need to poo
I like how you have faced and overcome the problems in life
I like your smile
I like that you are so close to your sister
I like that our step-dads are the same
I like that you feel comfortable enough to ring up and have a cry
I like that everyone who meets you loves you
I like that you're open and honest (but without being brutal)
I like that we can be good friends even without seeing each other as often as we might like
I like that you're brave even if you feel scared
I like your pretty feet
I like your patience with people
I like that you know when enough is enough
All in all.....
I like that we're friends :-)

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Surrey, United Kingdom
"I have found that if a problem rears its head, the best way to deal with it is by being highly emotional, inconsistent and super irrational and the problem tends to go away..."