Monday, July 13, 2009

Owh, I'm annoyed!

Aiyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. So now, the Dream Job has come back to me, acknowledging my application but also saying that the interview (if selected) will not be held until 28th July... that's 2 weeks away!

Whilst it's aggravating, Butdunc has saved my sanity by telling me that she went on their website and that they have extended the closing date til next week. Therefore, whilst their email said they had received a large number of applications the website suggests otherwise - hence her logic was that maybe not enough people have applied - I hope so hunni, but then surely they should have just looked at my application and wanted me straight away - no?? ;)

The thing that worries me is that what if i get offered the school position and have to tell them yes/ no BEFORE I have the interview with the other company. Do I just say yes and then, if I get offered the other job, back out of the contract? Or do I risk it and not accept - if offered at all??

Why do situations always have to be like this? - If any one turns and says to me that it is a test from above, I'll smack 'em. Is there any one listening up there? Have i not been tested enough? :)

Meanwhile, I was woken up several times last night. Why you ask? Because every time Mada woke up he moved across the bed to cuddle up to me.

I can't understand it. Can someone really want to be with you that much?

Well, I like it. Even if I am tired.

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Surrey, United Kingdom
"I have found that if a problem rears its head, the best way to deal with it is by being highly emotional, inconsistent and super irrational and the problem tends to go away..."