Saturday night was a break from the boy, after attending a gathering with over 50 of his family. It was hard work but at the same time, interesting to meet so many people!
I went out to Hed Kandi in Windsor, with the girls and in all honesty, it's not something I intend to do again, anytime soon. Events of the evening lead me to believe that the majority of the girls still behave like stroppy, bitchy little 18 year olds.
Once home I text Mada to let him know i was home safe and sound - yes, I have to do this now(!) and he called to check on me, after about 1 word, my voice cracked and little tears streamed out as I told him how much i missed partying with my KL friends. Sigh, why do these girls have to be so difficult and turn the whole night into cat fights, competitive races for the hottest guy and general immature behaviour?
I guess it didn't help that i was sober and wired up on Red Bull, but I chose not to drink. Quite glad I didn't drink as it just so happened, I cannot control my tongue under the influence of alcohol at the best of times.
Have spoken to HK Roz on skype yesterday and with my family, I have decided to "faze" these "girls" (and they really are) out and concentrate on the friendships I have which are more worthy (i.e Shrub, Mada, ButDunc, the boys and the like).
On the up, Mada tried to cheer me up yesterday (and was successful). We went for an awesome workout together and then he took me out for a really delicious pub lunch in Perbright. A really old fashioned pub, with low wooden beams and a real fire place :) And so, in true Mada *cheeeeese* style, he finally officially asked me to be his "girlfriend" which, after teasing for him a while, I accepted. After that we went home and curled up on the sofa - he watched the golf open and i snuggled up in his arms and read a book. In the evening we went over to my sisters for dinner, with my other cousins and their girlfriends/ wives. It was a great day.
So life is still not really stable, I'm praying to God I hear back on the interview for the *dream job* in the next couple of days. In the meantime, I'll keep working out (have lost a ridiculous amount of fat from working out 7 days a week), blog, facebook and keep searching for jobs. Not long now, I really hope.
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