Friday, October 31, 2008

Happily Confused

I'm really confused - but in a nice way!

I have known this guy "Pink" for nearly a year, actually he is the gent who organised my car and stuff for me when I switched from Avis to the current company I use.

When I first met him I did think to myself, oh he's kinda cute, but nothing more after that really.

Anyway he would drop me an email every now and then and then we exchanged MSN ads and recently he has been MSNing me nearly everyday just saying like hey, how's your day going etc. Even when I was in the UK he text me. But I didn't think much of it as I was pretty sure he mentioned he had a girlfriend some time back. I had said I was dating someone, although never told him we'd split up, why would I? He's just my car rental guy, it never came up.

He's always sending flirty messages but in a very naive sweet way, he just doesn't come across as the "cheating" or "manipulative" type at all. So I would always reply saying "look at you trying to sweet talk me etc" and blow it off. I'm quite shy under my mouthy exterior!

Anyway, on Tuesday he asked me if I wanted to grab food that night but as I was jet lagged, so I said no but suggested supper for last night. We just met at Devi's, chatted, ate and then went to Chawan for a drink after. He told me he was engaged to his girlfriend now, I suggested a photographer I knew for his wedding, we discussed Chinese traditions at weddings etc etc. So it was quite clear he wasn't into me - so I thought, OK just friends no big deal. Was nice, nothing more than that really. But it was good to have some different company.

We were chatting about me wanting to convert my spare room into a Carrie(esque) walk in wardrobe (I know!! VERY EXCITING!) and then he mentioned he had done it at his place and did I wanna come and see it. His Fiance is away (he had told me this earlier in the night, not just at that point!). Even though I felt it was quite a genuine suggestion (as in, no undertone) I thought about it but as it was already 11pm (and I'm always a bit precautious), I said no as I still hadn't unpacked my suitcase - bad I know, done it now though :)

Anyway, that was that. We both went home.

So just now my admin assistant (the one who didn't get fired - really need to blog that event it was MAJOR) said to me, oh, this was just hand delivered by your rental company. It was an envelope. I opened it up, thinking it must be a brochure or something and it was two CD's.. from Pink. The note said "I picked these 2 CD's for you from my collection. Hope you like them! Have a nice weekend ya! Pink".

I smiled to myself and turn back to my assistance and said, hand delivered where they, by who? she said, on behalf of, hang on let me look, gave me Pink's full name and said by their courier boy. I just smiled and said OK thanks.

I don't know what to think! I feel really flattered and think its a really nice gesture. You might be reading this thinking, Aha! This guy wants a bit of stuff on the side but he doesn't come across like that AT ALL. I'm completely and utterly confused, but as I said above, in a nice way.

From his behaviour of messaging me and all the favours he has done in the past months like upgrading my car, giving me discounts etc I think I can be big headed and say he may have a small crush on me which I have never really entertained, because he is in a relationship with someone and so was I. HHhmmmm.

Anyway, I'm smiling, I'm going to take it as a gesture of friendship... how nice, on a Friday :)

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Surrey, United Kingdom
"I have found that if a problem rears its head, the best way to deal with it is by being highly emotional, inconsistent and super irrational and the problem tends to go away..."