Monday, February 23, 2009

Dirty Minded or Quick Thinker

I was listening to Capital Radio on my drive home when i heard an advert for Domestic Violence awareness. The advert was a woman's voice asking if you heard a child crying endlessly, a smashing of glass, screaming etc etc from your neighbor, would you know who to call? Then in the background played Michael Jackson's 'You Are Not Alone' whilst the woman advised how important it is to know who to contact in a time of crisis.

Three things struck me:

1) They didn't actually give us a number to call, only that we should have the numbers to hand
2) Michael Jackson has a reputation as a child abuser
3) (And this is the worst) The expression they used (for knowing of a situation but not having a number to call) was "don't get caught with your pants down".

Now, I don't know, maybe i have a really sick dirty mind or, perhaps I'm just far more intellectual than the person who wrote this add, but when addressing child abuse, should you or should you not combine these factors:

1) Play music by an artist who has been labelled a "kiddy fiddler"
2) Tell the listener that they shouldn't get caught with the "pants" down.

Have i thought about this too much (but this thought came to my head as i heard the add, not after) or is this just plain silly? Why would you address such a serious issue with such a silly phrase such as "don't get caught with your pants down" anyway?

Joking aside, how will Malaysia ever get anyone to sit up and listen if they address such serious matters in such a callous way?
Seriously, Malaysia really does get it all wrong sometimes.

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Surrey, United Kingdom
"I have found that if a problem rears its head, the best way to deal with it is by being highly emotional, inconsistent and super irrational and the problem tends to go away..."