Just a quick line or two as, haha, I just got home and need to take a shower and get back to work - yes, this is what my life has reduced itself to! BUT, I finally did it today - I handed in my notice. I was going to put an exclamation mark there but I'm not sure if I feel excited or nervous, at the moment I just feel an element of relief.
NB and I went for lunch and I told him that I would like to give 6 months notice so that I can "buy time" as obviously I don't have a job lined up yet. I explained to him, all of the reasons i feel i need to leave (off the record) and he turned to me and said that he backed me 100% and that I was making the right decision. He said, in truth, as much as he has tried to encourage me over the last few months, in reality, the company is the way it is and not for want of trying, will he or I be able to change it.
I explained that I felt i had done all i could do and more and that now i want a new career path which is more rewarding and right for me.
So, tonight he will speak to the big MD in the UK who is over in KL on Monday and on Tuesday, I will have a formal meeting to which I will "negotiate" my exit. Fingers crossed, things go smoothly. She may not accept it, she may tell me to leave in 3 months, but giving all that I have over the last four years, I hope I get what i rightfully deserve.
So this weekend I'm going to avoid thinking about work and wait for next week to come round, once i know the score I guess it'll be time to put my thoughts into IDEAS and move forward.
Wow. I can't believe I've done it.
(The exclamation mark will come in time)...!
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