- I didn't oversleep thanks to a very, very rested weekend
- I managed to drive from KL to Kelana Jaya back to KL in 1 hours and 7 minutes in order to pick up some recording equipment from the studio in my break without arousing suspicion within my office
- My managing director had sun flowers delivered to my office with a card which read "it's good to know that you can count on some people to go the extra mile". I think it was because she felt guilty (well actually, she emailed me this and told me so) but still, a very, very nice gesture. I love flowers and sunflowers are particularly beautiful :)
- I got shit loads of work done
- I left the office at 5.45 and did a 45 minute (8K) run and an hour of personal training
- I got home and made myself a smoothie for dinner - yummy!
See how productive I've been? I'm now gonna hop in the shower as i stink BAD and then finish off one piece of work from earlier today and then get into bed :)
The best bit about today was discussing "Project Bombies" (Bombie - that's what it's called now, ok?) and realising that there is no rush to get this on the move now. Actually knowing that this plan is in the background makes me feel even more reassured that if I were to return to the UK and I'm happy or unhappy I have this in Malaysia all along. I.E If the UK is going well, why the hell not invest in the business on the side and if it's shitty, I'll return when Bombie is ready to make a go of it.
It makes me feel much more reassured that returning to the UK (for now) COULD be the right option after all. I can set up an ISA account and whack the savings for the business in there and leave it untouched for (hopefully) only a year or so until Bombie can get moving.
I don't know why this didn't come to mind sooner! With this in mind I feel more and more confident that by returning to the UK I won't lose my whole life here, in KL.
I know it's not an answer, nor is it a real plan but it's hope and it's faith.
All the more reason for me to get that dam tattoo on the way... :)

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