I am giving up with vanity, which is ironic, seeing as I originally got braces because i was vain.
Only two more appointments to go and the braces are off, so I'm trying my dam hardest to keep going.
We're talking approx 6 weeks to go, I can't believe it. Only MYR1300 left and then it'll all be over.
Today the dentist changed my wires and tightened them on the top and bottom teeth. He then put my elastics back on, doubled that with an additional 2 elastics towards the back (think of a combination of the last two sets of elastics and the current set - and that's what I now have).
As usual my jaw is insanely painful but I am going to perservere for as long as I can do, today. When I open my mouth it's like a maze of elastics going in different angles, I have never known anyone to have SUCH a combination, in such weird positions. But what can I say, however weird it is, it has worked and my teeth are nearly "perfect" now.
Needless to say it's too painful to eat, I had a smoothie for lunch, it was so sickly sweet I feel sick. Soup for dinner then tomorrow I'll weigh 58K. wahahaha.
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