Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Likey Likey

i like how i was a bit scared of you when we first met
i like how i thought you hated me
i like that we both liked the flo rida song
i like that we both love dancing as much as one another
i like that we both acknowledge that the podium is the only place we belong
i like that you made me eat mushrooms and prawns
i like that i like them now
i like that you pretend i'm from Kuching
i like pretending i'm from Kuching
i like that we both think we are fat
i like that we yell "fat fuck" at one another in RPM class
i like that I can call you up and just cry
i like that you just call me and bawl
i like that you can read my mind
i like that i can look at you and know exactly what you're thinking
i like guilt texts
i like that you treat Emily like she has feelings too
i like that you bought me a rose just because i had a shit day
i like taking you out and sharing new things with you
i like that we openly consider getting married
i like that you never say i told you so
i like that i can see it in your face anyway
i like that you bug me on msn when i'm trying to work
i like that you appreciate my msn messages (for example, telling you that i fell asleep at my desk)
i like that you try to teach me mandarin
i like that you keep trying and trying and i always forget
i like how you understand how complex my life is
i like that you appreciate the importance of make up and good hair cuts
i like that you reassure me that my braces look wonderful, even when i have spinach stuck in them
i like that you are so good at giving advice and so crap at taking it
i like that you care so much
i like that you say it as it is
i like that you leave me abusive voicemail messages
i like singing to you down the phone when you're on the train because i know it annoys you
i like your tiny hands
i like that we once had matching tattoos
i like that you are secretly british
i like how a lot of your sentences start with "the thing is, babe..."
i like how you educate me on everyday living
i like how you listen to me obsess over stupid things and never laugh (only when appropriate)
i like that you camwhore equally as much as i do
i like that you're such a big softy underneath it all
i like that you cried in my car this evening
i like that you cooked me laksa and it was amazing
i like how much your brother looks like Adam from American Idol
i like that you are driven and will succeed at anything you put your mind to
i like that we agreed on the janet jackson lyrics together (I'll check)
i like that you are the definition of "friend"
i like that we will always be friends

About Me

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Surrey, United Kingdom
"I have found that if a problem rears its head, the best way to deal with it is by being highly emotional, inconsistent and super irrational and the problem tends to go away..."