Venue: Tapak A, Lake Gardens, Kuala Lumpur
Date: 17 May 2009
Time 7.00am
Distance: 15KM
Shoe: adidas adizero
Well, well, well, what a pleasant surprise the Pacesetters run turned out to be!
After sleeping through my first alarm but woken up by the 2nd and 3rd I crawled out of bed a 4.45am and took a quick shower, got dressed and made myself a banana, orange, pineapple, strawberry (and a few m&m's) smoothie. Chugged down a bottle of water, an ibuprofen and an Imodium and headed down to the Lake Gardens where the race was held.
I was glad i got there early as I managed to secure a decent parking space and limber up by my car, apply shit loads of deep heat to my knees, back of thighs and ankles before heading down to the meeting point. Over the speakers played some pumping music to get everyone awake and the DJ informed us that there were 1800 runners. It kinda made me laugh after the 50,000 we had in the Singapore half marathon.
I got talking to a few randoms but couldn't find the people from my gym who were competing which was a bit of a shame - maybe they were chicken shit and didn't turn up - i doubt it! But I don't run with my phone so I couldn't call to check. Oh well. Wasn't really that bothered.
Initially i felt like it was all a bit disorganised, the men were to set off at 7.00 and then the women to follow at 7.15. Whilst they were nearly set to go, there were still people legging it to the start line and on the race track! As the runners set off i noticed this old man (probably in his late 60's-early 70's maybe older??) running barefoot. And I thought to myself how stupid we must all seem to him with our designer Nike and Adidas (I'm still in the legendry AdiZero's) trainers. Oh, and of course New Balance trainers (seeing as the race was sponsored by them!)
Eventually the gun went off and the track was clear, then us ladies approached the start line. At this point i really needed to pee. Having taken a poop in the squat toilet (dam nerves) i was already traumatised by having to do that and I knew i didn't have time to go again so hoped it would just sort of... disappear during the run, which it did do after about 30 grueling minutes. The gun went off and I crossed the chip counter about 30 seconds after. Out of the 1800 runners i reckon only a few hundred were women.
As we made headway we took an immediate (but gradual) up hill approach - fuckers. The first 20 minutes were really tough, I always hate the first 20, after that I tend to zone out and my mind gets focused and I just imagine I'm Paula Radcliff :) at 35 mins i reached the first water station so i was really on target time (5K in). I was disappointed that they didn't have any isotonic drinks (i.e 100 plus). I hated that dam drink all those months back when I first started competing, but now i can't get enough of it. So I just downed a cup of luke warm water whilst keeping on the move.
By this point my right knee was starting to ache (around the outside) and my left ankle felt tender. This discomfort was quickly taken away by the usual (and i really don't know why it's always the right foot) pins and needles, in my right foot. This went on for nearly half an hour. The only way to get rid of it is to run it off. Unfortunately it can be quite damaging and uncomfy as you can't tell how much pressure you're putting on the foot.
During the course of the first hour i was pretty much OK. I'd been following this really (hot) and fit runner thinking that I aspired to be her, she kept getting ahead of me and then I would find myself taking over her. I wonder if she was following me too, or, pace setting herself against me (love it when people do that). Then to my surprise, I suddenly found myself creeping up behind the shoeless man, hobbling along... first of all i realised that not only was i overtaking this man but that I had also caught up with a lot of the men. Which meant I had caught up 15 minutes of running time. I really am fitter than i give myself credit for. But then again, I guess even a 5 year old could overtake a shoeless man. Still i was beating a lot of men - yay! haha suckers.
Gradually the hills became more and more intense and at one point i was so close to falling into a walk that i literally had to do a few hops to build up my speed again. It was very, very hard at that point. Although, I soon got my enthusiasm back when a stupid song came on my I Pod that Bombie had told me to upload.. (my neck.. my back.. my pu**y and my crack...hahaha) I smiled and "cracked" on :P
By 1hr 15 i was pretty certain I was gonna finish the race well within my 2 hour target which I had given myself. I had passed the last water station and ran down the highway. There had been people standing with deep heat in their hands (i could have kissed them) as I smeared it all down the backs of my legs and around my knees and felt the icey blast down my legs. I wiped the beads of sweat from my upper lip and of course, realised i still had traces of deep heat on my hand. It was... refreshing... haha.
By this point the road was on a downhill trend and despite the pressure to my knee joints i bolted along until i reached the flat plain and then literally had about a 1km sprint, it was really enjoyable. As I approached the Lake Gardens i realised I was probably on my last km and looked down at my watch. If I kept a good speed I'd make it by 1hr 45 mins. I flicked my I pod on max volume and bolted fast around the last km... reaching the finish line with arms flung in the air and with a big grin for the cameras (never forget to camwhore) ;)
1 hr 42. Sweet!
So yes, overall, I have to say, that the race (endurance wise) was nearly... easy, but if I'm totally honest, I could have gone on for another 6k and completed a half marathon. I really wasn't that exhausted in all honesty. I mean, yeh sure, it was hard, the up hill especially but i was really focused yesterday and I think that's what pulled me through. I guess, given that I haven't been so mentally stressed and have been taking it easier these days I was able to perform better, believe it or not.
Today I can definitely feel the tears and will try and get down the gym tonight to try a light jog to help heal the tears. Saying that, I'm extremely tired this morning and so it may have to wait until tomorrow (they advise a recovery run 24-72 hours after a major race).
Anyway, I'm really glad i decided to do it, the weather was fantastic, partially cloudy with light breeze, the course was good (lovely views of KL at high points), the crowd and other runners were friendly and i performed to the best of my ability.
Bring on the half marathon in September! Can't wait for it! ;)
1 comment:
Good thing the poop came out of the crack before and not during the run... or it will bring a whole new meaning to that song :P HAHAHAHA! Yay 2 girls 1 fingerrrrr
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