Wednesday, May 6, 2009

It hurts dammit

Owch. My mouth hurts :( Foolishly tried to eat a meal with Bombie last night after the gym and think I did more damage than good. Before i went to sleep, i popped 2 pain killers (800mg) and then woke up in the night and popped another two. I only realised that i popped the other 2 when I awoke suddenly at 08.00 thinking shit I overslept! They must have made me drowsy, I don't even remember fumbling with my alarm clock which was set for 6 am. I didn't even have time to make a fruit smoothie, I arrived in the office with wet hair and creases on my face at 9.10.

Somehow I managed to keep the bands in all night but I'm not wearing them today. This dental treatment is so wreckless and fast that over night I have a clearly defined gap in between my front teeth - WTF?

I guess he knows what he is doing so I won't go to the dentist to check. Every time they tighten the braces, add a bracket or an elastic I kind of freak out as the first few days my teeth start to move in an obvious way and I don't like how they look. I know in 2 weeks time I'll be use to it again.

I do wonder if it is normal to experience such pain to the extent that I have done over the last 10 months. I suppose if I had of done the procedure in normal time and not tried to rush through it, they would have taken it slower and the whole procedure would be less painful.

But I can take the pain, I know I moan and complain constantly but to me, painful but quick is better than keeping them on for 2 years... especially at my age (nearly 26).

It's exactly 6 weeks to go. I hope the end result is worth it.

I'm fucking hungry.

~ Before

~ 10 months later

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Surrey, United Kingdom
"I have found that if a problem rears its head, the best way to deal with it is by being highly emotional, inconsistent and super irrational and the problem tends to go away..."