Monday, September 29, 2008

To think or not to think, that is the question.

I couldn't get to sleep last night because I had some thoughts about a few matters running through my mind. Even though they were pretty small they were bugging me and I was tossing and turning for about an hour. In the end I sat up, switched on my bedside lamp and quickly jotted down the lines below. It's a pretty lame poem but once I had written it I fell into a dreamless sleep...


I would like to learn how to forget to think
To not overanalyze something that causes no blink

That feeling you get deep inside your tummy
It wriggles and churns and makes you feel funny

These things that concern me, like matters of the heart
Trying to put them aside is a form they call art

I don’t know why the smallest things cause so much pain
I wish I had more control over the stampead of my terrain

I would like to feel the expression “just go with the flow”
But most times I just can’t and I hate feeling so low

The problem is, that I am who I am
How I am perceived, I wish I gave not a dam

I guess that’s the concern of a people pleaser
Though you always strive to do your best, there are times when you just need a rest

Right now I’m in a place and it’s sometimes alone
I want to explain so it’s you that I phone
But how does one explain such a crazy thought process
You can’t really, it’s impossible, so to poetry I digress

I would like to learn how to forget to think.

I think.

I’m on the brink.

I think.
- ergh the line "I guess that’s the concern of a people pleaser Though you always strive to do your best, there are times when you just need a rest " doesn't fit in with the rest. But whatever, I'm not gonna sit and start changing bits around. That's how I wrote it last night so that's how it'll stay. I think so at least... wahahaha. oh dear.

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Surrey, United Kingdom
"I have found that if a problem rears its head, the best way to deal with it is by being highly emotional, inconsistent and super irrational and the problem tends to go away..."