Friday, November 7, 2008

Dirty Smirks

In an ideal world my alter ego would say this:

Don't try to intimidate me, you will not suceed
You may think you are getting to me, but in the end, I will come out on top

Don't think that you can come here and push me aside
I am the Queen on my throne and this is my territory

Don't think that people like you, they don't, they are playing the same game you are
You do not have the upper hand, despite the fact that you think you do

Don't think that I am powerless or naive - when it comes to business I am not
I know what you are up to and I have my eye on you all the time

Don't think that you are the one in control here, I can be just as manipulative as you
I may smile sweetly at you but it's as bitter as the look in your eye

You are getting under my skin but I will not let you beat me
I know where I stand and from my eyes you are so far below me I can't even see you

In reality I'd probably say this...

You big fat poo head. Go wash that wax out of your hair and shave off your beard. Pfht!

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Surrey, United Kingdom
"I have found that if a problem rears its head, the best way to deal with it is by being highly emotional, inconsistent and super irrational and the problem tends to go away..."