Friday, November 7, 2008

Pang Sai Problems

I luuurve our UK Medical Advisor for WR. I emailed him yesterday about my "pang sai when running" problem as he is a marathon runner too. He said it's very common and some runners even carry tissue with them - lol!

Then he gave me the perfect solution - 1 hour before the run, take Imodium. Why on earth didn't I think of this before?? He said many pro runners do it before a long distant race and that it will give me a temporary fix until the run is over. Fab, that solves that problem then!

Look how sweet he was with all my questions and wonderingments...


My training went OK on Saturday but I had to stop and take a break after about 12 K as I got really bad stomach pain and had to go to the toilet. Sorry to be graphic! That seems to happen every now and then - is that normal? I hope it doesn't happen on the day (otherwise I'll have to do a Paula Radcliff!)

Also three questions:1) I sometimes get pins and needles in my foot after about 30-40 mins, only way to get rid of it is to stop. Why does this happen how can you avoid it?2) Why does my right hip constantly ache after a long training session?3) what is good to take for weak joints - ankle and knees hurt! cod liver oil?Will update you again next week! only 4 weeks to go argh!

His Reply:

Perfectly normal to have to ‘rush to the bushes’ – loads of runners take toilet paper with them ! Should settle as you get more long distance fitness, can try taking X1 immodium (loperamide before a long run)

1)Pins and needles means pressure on a nerve.. Any tight spots on your running shoes ? Back pain ? In general if it goes away don’t worry – have you tried running through it ?
2)Because it is unused to prolonged exercise – remember you are re-training your whole body here and it will take time. Run on grass when possible. Are your running shoes good – should be changed every 12 months (I never have though !!) If it persists you should get some professional advice.
3)Your joints aren’t weak !!! You are just giving them a battering...not surprising they ache. Cod liver oil, glucosamine fine but aches should go away as your endurance increases and your body gets used to the new demands you are placing on it !

Just keeping doing it – 12k is amazing achievement !

On the contrary I seem to have more and more problems with my day to day digestion since I quit smoking. Things aren't.. how to say ah...? So I took Senekot last night to get things "moving"- OMG never again, I was half an hour late to work this morning because I couldn't get off the darn toilet! Haha!

Oh the trials and tribulations of my day to day living!

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Surrey, United Kingdom
"I have found that if a problem rears its head, the best way to deal with it is by being highly emotional, inconsistent and super irrational and the problem tends to go away..."