Friday, November 28, 2008

Men Are Like Buses

Men are like buses. You wait FOREVER for one and then two come along at once.

I'm perturbed. Despite that Blanks is still hovering about in my blocked out thoughts, I have had my eye on a NEW guy who I have taken quite a shine to.

Of course, me being me, I have done absolutely nothing about it, as, believe it or not I am DEAD SHY when it comes to dating. I know what you're thinking, yeah right, but it's true - I'm useless! I moan and moan that I want a man but would never in my dreams actually ask someone out!

So anyway, just as I was slowly making my move in my own unique way on NEW guy I get a text from one of the trainers at the gym saying, GYM guy was just here and was asking for your number - gargh! *BLUSH* I've had my eye on this GYM guy for ages, I actually thought he was pretty cute a while back and chat to him quite a lot. I kinda sensed that maybe he was out my league (totally hot) and so didn't pursue it (I love how i say didn't pursue it - exactly how would I have pursued him if I had intended to anyway???) and then low and behold, I get sent his number from one of my friends.

So now I'm like hhmm what to do. Because I was quite intent on trying to develop the relationship with the NEW guy but now GYM guy has shown an interest I'm inclined to pursue that too.


What to do? I really, really had my mind set on NEW guy... he's funny. I like funny. But I'd be a fool to turn down a date with GYM guy when NEW guy hasn't even shown any real sign of interest other than a few jokey exchanges in email and a couple of group outings.

I really like NEW guy the most if I'm honest... but seeing as there is not a chicken's chance in Thailand that I will make a move on him, that leaves GYM guy who has already shown an IOI (indicator of interest).

Can I date both?

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Surrey, United Kingdom
"I have found that if a problem rears its head, the best way to deal with it is by being highly emotional, inconsistent and super irrational and the problem tends to go away..."