Friday, June 26, 2009

One White Glove

OMG, i can't believe Michael Jackson died last night. Gutted.

Strangely enough, I was clearing out my wardrobe (before my Mother really lost the plot at me!) and came across my Michael Jackson Tshirt that I wore to his HIStory concert many moons ago (when was it, 1995??). I yelled out to the rentals "I've found my Michael Jackson Tshirt - I'm SO wearing it to his concert!" holding it up and chuckling to myself, I couldn't believe i use to wear this tshirt out and about, my walls were once smothered in his posters and there was always an MJ tune blaring out of my stereo.

My Step Dad yelled back from downstairs "Well, that's if he turns up for the concerts!". I yelled some jokey profanities down the stairs such as "Don't diss the King, man!" and smiled as i folded up the tshirt and put it in my draw.. a part of me had some doubt that the concert(s) would happen but thought nothing more of it.

Later in the evening ButDunc text me saying that it didn't look like we'd be seeing Michael - I switched on the news and the breaking headlines was that he had been admitted to hospital following a heart attack - gasp! Perhaps a publicity stunt? Or a severe case of indigestion??? I could only hope.

As i crawled into bed later that night i got a text from my sister "Michael Jackson dead? WTF??" and then a call from Mada straight after, checking I knew - everyone knows the avid fan i am... I couldn't believe it. I kept telling him how upset i was and I could almost here Mada smiling as he started singing "Billie Jean" (my favourite) to cheer me up in his "Michael Jackson" voice. Stupid boy!!

Eventually i told him i wanted to get out of bed and watch the news. Some said he was in a coma, others dead. Eventually it was confirmed, he had died of a heart attack :(

A few of my friends text, equally as shocked, funnily enough - EVERYBODY's FB status was about MJ dying and of course this morning as i woke, most channels were covering his story.

Funny how just a year ago every channel was calling him a paedophile and now they all refer to him as "A legend". Well, whatever they say, I bloody loved him and his music and am totally gutted that he is gone, at the age of 50.

One day I'll be playing his music to my kids and telling them all about the pop icon who was once black and turned white and how he was my favourite performer of all time.. RIP Mr Jackson. You rock(ed) my world!


(See entry dated: March 11th 2009 - Moonwalking on air)


Melancholy Thongs said...

And thanks for sms'ing me at a god forsaken hour just to tell me he'd passed. lol

Bubs said...

I figured it was nearly getting up time for you... perhaps i miscalculated...? :)

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Surrey, United Kingdom
"I have found that if a problem rears its head, the best way to deal with it is by being highly emotional, inconsistent and super irrational and the problem tends to go away..."