Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A change of continent?

Have been spending some time looking at community projects to get involved with during my *cough* career break *cough*. I have been recommended this company I'm particularly interested in their projects in Uganda and other areas of Africa, besides, I'd like to escape from Asia for a while, i have 'done' Asia for too long now (or will have, by the end of the year).

I initially thought I'd be interested in a teaching post but I also really like the idea of working at the orphanage. Something else that appeals to me are the more manual labour opportunities there are such as actual construction work and community support. That would be a completely different angle to anything i have experienced before, althoguh i know i would enjoy working with children the most.

I only spent a few hours going over the site last night but it's going into the bank of ideas for sure. I've been harping on since 2004 (after returning from the Ratu Filse school in Fiji) that I was going to go "out there" and do "something" more. What better way to spend my bonus? On something I would enjoy but also, something that will help others. I'm game.

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Surrey, United Kingdom
"I have found that if a problem rears its head, the best way to deal with it is by being highly emotional, inconsistent and super irrational and the problem tends to go away..."