Friday, April 17, 2009

Retard Central

I am officially a bona fied retardian.

Today I had to pay my tax clearence for 2008 (it was SO much - aiya!) and so after translating every Bahasa word to English I filled out the form and headed down to Maybank to pay.

I couldn't pay by card as I am with HSBC so i had to withdraw the money first. No problem, I thought. It's an ATM.

So off I went to get out my dollar, there was quite a queue as it was lunch time in the KLCC so I stood, gorming and thinking about my plans for the weekend and you know, this and that.

Then as I approached the ATM and it prompted me for my PIN I suddenly thought, shit, what is my pin number?? I stood there, feeling pressurised, lots of people were waiting to get cash, it's lunch you know, everyone is in a rush.

So I panicked.

Fuckety Fuck. What is it? So I put in a number which sounded kinda right in my head, but no, my card was rejected WRONG. Ooops. Fuck.

So I calmly, without even glancing at the line behind me tried another number (which in hindsight, I think was the same number i tried initially). WRONG!!! Dam it.

I was worried my card would get eaten up and with only 10 myr in my wallet I thought better of it by trying again. So i wondered off, aimlessly into MAC. I was scared and alone, I had no choice but to purchase the lipstick that had been out of stock for the last few weeks, I had to seek solitude and paid by credit card - which I only needed my signature for, not a pin. Thankfully, I remembered how to sign my own name.

And so I walked and walked and drank a smoothie (bought with my last few ringit), cursing myself over and over. What the fuck is wrong with me??? What is the number??? Two years I've had this same pin, TWO YEARS dammit.

As i mulled it over, wrote down various combinations of numbers in my phone, I finally thought, well this looks about right. The gut feeling said, Yes Bubs, it's right and so, I queued up again, the gents at the counter who had helped me with the tax form just half an hour ago, wondering why I was back. And possibly why my dress was inappropriately short.

So I typed it in **...*...*...** - I held my breath... Ta da! Got it.

And off I went to the counter and parted with all the cash I had just withdrawn. Realising that I was penniless, yet again. I was too afraid to take money out again.

I'll do it later. If I remember my pin...

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Surrey, United Kingdom
"I have found that if a problem rears its head, the best way to deal with it is by being highly emotional, inconsistent and super irrational and the problem tends to go away..."