Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Office Antics

There is one (overweight) woman in our office who continually insists that the air con be kept at FREEZING (around 16-20c) whilst the other 15 people in the office freeze to death. I Think she gets hot because she is obese. I frequently wear two jumpers over my work gear, others wrap things around them, grumble and complain.

Matters have got worse recently as NB moved over from HK to KL last year and only encourages the air con use, plus, we have just recruited two "largar louts" (men) from the UK who also insist on it being cold.

Although the people who are freezing outweigh the ones that are hot we seem to be fighting a loosing battle. Yesterday we had a really laugh in the office over it and were having 'play fights' over the temperature. Every time someone could do, they sneaked and changed the dial.

Today, it is absolutely jeffin' freezing so i sent out the following... to which i got various funny replies from my colleagues... then.. the fat woman replied.... i guess it wasn't so funny after all :P

~ PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT! The problems associated with air conditioners arise out of overuse. With the ease of fingertip control many people assume that the more they use their unit the better it will be. This, however, is not the case. Air conditioning aggravates the effects of arthritis and neuritis. It also causes trouble for those with sinus trouble, causing their heads to become blocked. In addition to these obvious reactions to an air conditioned environment there are many far more subtle reactions that can adversely affect a person’s health. Studies between those who have worked for prolonged periods in air conditioned offices and those who work outdoors, have consistently shown that the people exposed to air conditioning are more susceptible to colds, flu and other minor ailments. It has also been proven that the body undergoes a certain amount of stress when it is forced to go from a boiling hot environment into an air conditioned one. Over time this, too can cause problems.

It has been noted that the AC at Unit 7-3 is TOO COLD! Employees may die of PNEUMONIA! Please adjust dial to 24C ASAP to avoid DEATH amongst ALL employees!!

~ If we have suffer any ill effects can we hold the person personally responsible for decreasing the temperature for our ailments?

~ Thank you for your enquiry. I have spoken with the committee, and yes, we can hold them personally responsible for any medical complications (including death) that may arise. Should you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to ask.

~ and we clearly know who to sue when such diagnosis arises!!! if we are still alive, that is....:p

~ No wonder im always STRESSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am suffering from joint pain......................Ooooh god, I think I need to take a personal medical card
and get the particular person to pay my premium. I think everyone should apply.....:)))

~ Yes I agree I think we need a group scheme as that way the person responsible may be able to get a little bit of discount. Perhaps they can run up a quote for themselves from WR!!

~ We shall discuss this in the meeting today :)))) Interesting!!!
Bubs may lead to that OK Bubs???

~ As Leader of the Committee, I have no choice.

~ Thank you LORD!!!

~ Did someone make it warmer? My feet are starting to thaw out and I have just about lost my blue lips! A curry at lunch should warm me up.

~Haa.. haa..

Sorry - but I'm sure you all were here, excluding Auds, when the air con maintenance people were previously here when they advised us that the units cannot be above 24 as it shuts it automatically, thus not giving ample time for the air to circulate properly and would affect the whole system. Even 24 was not advisable as it is too short a time for it to blow properly and will lead to constant breaks down. 23 was the compromise made with the maintenance people in view of majority not able to stand the (so called) cold air.

So, it's not down to me, o.k - when the unit breaks down then there will be more complaints of too hot and not sure when it would be back to normal......

I'm just the messenger.

Just "The messenger"?? She is the one that started all this! All we ask for is a normal temperature (say 21-23).. is that SO much to ask...?

Bring on the Central Heating in the UK and the nightsweats you get on those hot summer nights... with no ventilation except our windows and am electric bedside fan ;)

1 comment:

Melancholy Thongs said...

so touchy! She must have felt that the harmless email play, was about her! tsk tsk..

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Surrey, United Kingdom
"I have found that if a problem rears its head, the best way to deal with it is by being highly emotional, inconsistent and super irrational and the problem tends to go away..."